VI Encuentro Centroamericano de Software LIbre


Category Apps, Developer Tools, Firefox OS, Mozilla Leadership Network


Hashtag mozecsl

Description This is the biggest event about Free Software in Central America. Each year change country. This year destination is Chitré, Panamá. Guillermo Movia will have a keynote session and Mozilla Community will have a space where we could create our agenda for two days. Also we are using this event to create the first Central America Mozilla's Communities meetup, inviting people from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Panamá.

Venue Centro Regional Universitario de Azuero – Universidad de Panamá

City Chitré

Area Herrera

Country or Region Panama

This will be the first Mozilla appearance in the event, so we are looking to a first knowing from the community and reach to new people that could be interested in participate in the community in the region.

Firefos OS launched recently in El Salvador and operators announced another launches soon, so it is a great moment to spread the word about Mozilla in those countries.

8 attending, including...