WebGL&WebVR #04 meetup: WebVR update in 2017

APR 2017

Initiative MozActivate

Category WebVR

URL https://www.meetup.com/TPE-WebGL-WebVR/events/2387...

Hashtag #WebVR #AFrame #MozActivate

Description (Hopefully) bi-monthly meetup about WebVR in Taipei.

Venue Mozilla Space Taipei

City Taipei

Area Taiwan

Country or Region Taiwan

DaoSheng will give a talk about Oculus Touch support in Firefox. The main goal is to grow up the WebVR community and have people try A-Frame or care about what's going on at least.

Though we had a A-Frame workshop last year, this meetup could possibly have a section to introduce the basic idea of A-Frame, for the new attendees.

1 attending, including...