Webmaker Party at IP Workshop 2013


Category Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Firefox Mobile, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, User Engagement, Web Development

URL http://tirgumures.ipworkshop.ro/

Hashtag #ipw-makerparty

Description IP Workshop is an annual summer workshop with more than 120 participants. During the 2 week event students will participate at different workshop to learn something new (programing/design/mobile/electronic devices). I was invited to hold the Web and HTML5 course. During the event I will also hold some presentation about FirefoxOS, Mozilla Marketplace and how people can bring their contribution to Mozilla. Then event will also be a great opportunity to promote the Romanian Mozilla community.

Venue University “Petru Maior” Tîrgu Mureș, Street Nicolae Iorga 1

City Tîrgu Mureș

Area University “Petru Maior” Tîrgu Mureș

Country or Region Romania

At the course will participate 27 student from college and high school. Courses will consist of around 4 hours/day for 8 days. At the end of the course each student will work on a project. The last day will be project hacking day.

Presentations will be hold for the entire group of participants.

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