Yarmouk University Firefox Day

FEB 2014

Category Addons, Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Diversity and Inclusion, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Labs, Localization, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, Privacy, Quality Assurance, Security, Thunderbird, UX

Hashtag #YU_Firefox_OS #YU_Firefox_Day

Description (localizations and web maker) and how create Blogs for students to enhance the web content in Arabic using a special technology by (Mozilla Firefox named web maker) , and speak about Protection of personal content sites and profiles on the Social Media to protection of hacking and theft , and The important topic in this event is the new technology is (Firefox OS) an open source operating system for mobiles from Mozilla Firefox . Link:mozilla wiki link: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Y.U_Firefox_Club

Venue TBD

City irbid

Area Irbid

Country or Region Jordan

7 attending, including...