Youth Activism and Social Development (YASD)

APR 2016

Initiative Other

Category Campus

Hashtag #yasd #mozill #mozillabd

Description YASD is a project aimed to increase the activity of the youth of the society in community service and societal development processes through the use of technology. A workshop will be held where they will learn on how to address societal issues and find effective solutions to those problems.They have invited us to represent Mozilla and talk about how Mozilla works for the community and what are the responsibilities of the volunteers and contributors.

Venue Embassy of the United States of America

City Dhaka

Area Dhaka

Country or Region Bangladesh

Pranjal Chakraborty, lead of BRAC University Firefox Club and I will go to represent in the event. A workshop will be held with 30 participants between grades 9 and 12, from 10 different schools of Dhaka, Bangladesh, where they will learn on how to address societal issues and find effective solutions to those problems.