Report by Thiago Policena on 16 Nov 2018


Gave a talk


MozActivate - Dive into Rust

Date of activity

Contribution location

-16.784908301653378, -47.982423305511475

URL for activity

Contribution area

Evangelism Mission

Description of activity

Talk: Introducing Rust, Mozilla Programming Language

Speakers: Weder Mariano e Phillipe Alexandre

Introducing Rust, Mozilla's programming language.

Getting to know Mozilla:
What is Rust?
Historia Rust, creator, year in which the mozilla began to Support the project.

What people are saying about Rust:
StackOverflow 2017 Survey, what the public reports about language.
As the same and refitted by users on Twitter
Success Case with rust company who use it in their projects.

Considering the FAQ:
Cross plataform
Design patterns
issue help

Knowing the language in practice:
Hello world
Hello Cargo
Creating a web server with Rust.
A little of your Syntax.

Comparing it with other example languages (Python):
About the Documentation

And how to become part of the Mozilla Community Brazil.

Talk: Mozilla Web Development Technologies

Speakers: Arthur Willian Aleixo e Thiago Policena

The goal will be to explore Mozilla tools and libraries in the current WEB development.