Teaching Kit

Your title goes here

Give it a one-line summary here. What will participants make or learn?

Made by your name


What is your teaching kit all about? What does it help people make or learn? What was your inspiration for creating it?

Learning objectives

What specific skills will participants learn? What new knowledge will they come away with? You might want to list these individually, like this:

  • Skill 1
  • Skill 2
  • Skill 3

Not sure? Have a look at our new Web Literacy Standard.


  1. Activity 1
  2. Activity 2
  3. Activity 3
  4. Activity 4

What you'll make together

What will participants make? What's the end result or finished product? A web page? Video? Paper prototype? Dancing robots? :)


Are any special materials required? What tools will participants need? Should anything be set up in advance? Is there any software to install, or specific technical requirements?

Assessment and review

How can participants assess and reflect on their work once it's complete? Feel free to add here if you have suggestions for...

  • Discussion questions. Any suggested topics or questions for follow-up discussion?
  • Assessment. Is there a specific standard or rubric you'd suggest using? Are there ways learners can assess each others' work? (Peer assessment?)
  • Sharing. What are some good ways participants can publish and share what they made?

Assessment criteria

Got a check-list of criteria, or things to look for in a great completed project? Feel free to list them here:

  • Criteria 1
  • Criteria 2
  • Criteria 3