

These APIs are not frozen and can change at any time without warning. See the API versions available for alternatives if you need stability. The only authentication method available at the moment is the internal one.

Review Notes List

This endpoint allows you to list the approval/rejection review history for a version of an add-on.

GET /api/v5/addons/addon/(int:addon_id|string:addon_slug|string:addon_guid)/versions/(int: id)/reviewnotes/


All add-ons require authentication and either reviewer permissions or a user account listed as a developer of the add-on.

Response JSON Object:
  • count (int) – The number of versions for this add-on.

  • next (string) – The URL of the next page of results.

  • previous (string) – The URL of the previous page of results.

  • results (array) – An array of per version review notes.

Review Notes Detail

This endpoint allows you to fetch a single review note for a specific version of an add-on.


To allow reviewers to stay anonymous if they wish, the user object only contains the name of the reviewer or author. That name may, for some actions, be an alias and not the usual name of the user.

GET /api/v5/addons/addon/(int:addon_id|string:addon_slug|string:addon_guid)/versions/(int: id)/reviewnotes/(int: id)/
Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – The id for a review note.

  • action (string) – The type of review note.

  • action_label (string) – The text label of the action.

  • (string) – The name of the reviewer or author.

  • comments (string) – The text content of the review note.

  • date (string) – The date the review note was created.

  • attachment_url (string|null) – The link to download the associated attachment, if any

Possible values for the action field:




Version, or file in the version, was approved


Version, or file in the version, was rejected


Developer requested review


Reviewer requested more information from developer


Add-on was referred to an admin for attention


Reviewer added comment for other reviewers


Generic review comment

Incoming Mail End-point

This endpoint allows a mail server or similar to submit a json object containing single email into AMO which will be processed. The only type of email currently supported is a reply to an activity email (e.g an add-on review, or a reply to an add-on review). Any other content or invalid emails will be discarded.

POST /api/v5/activity/mail


This API endpoint uses a custom authentication method. The value SecretKey in the submitted json must match one defined in settings.INBOUND_EMAIL_SECRET_KEY. The IP address of the request must match one defined in settings.ALLOWED_CLIENTS_EMAIL_API, if defined.

Request JSON Object:
  • SecretKey (string) – A value that matches settings.INBOUND_EMAIL_SECRET_KEY.

  • Message.TextBody (string) – The plain text body of the email.

  • To (array) – Array of To email addresses. All will be parsed, and the first matching the correct format used.

  • To[].EmailAddress (string) – An email address in the format