
Function derive

pub fn derive(
    passphrase: &[u8],
    salt: &[u8],
    iterations: u32,
    hash_algorithm: HashAlgorithm,
    out: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<()>
Expand description

Extend passwords using pbkdf2, based on the following rfc it runs the NSS implementation


  • passphrase - The password to stretch
  • salt - A salt to use in the generation process
  • iterations - The number of iterations the hashing algorithm will run on each section of the key
  • hash_algorithm - The hash algorithm to use
  • out - The slice the algorithm will populate


use rc_crypto::pbkdf2;
let password = b"password";
let salt = b"salt";
let mut out = vec![0u8; 32];
let iterations = 2; // Real code should have a MUCH higher number of iterations (Think 1000+)
pbkdf2::derive(password, salt, iterations, pbkdf2::HashAlgorithm::SHA256, &mut out).unwrap(); // Oh oh should handle the error!
assert_eq!(hex::encode(out), "ae4d0c95af6b46d32d0adff928f06dd02a303f8ef3c251dfd6e2d85a95474c43");


Could possibly return an error if the HMAC algorithm fails, or if the NSS algorithm returns an error