
public struct RefinedSearchConfig
extension RefinedSearchConfig: Equatable, Hashable

Details of the search engines to display to the user, generated as a result of processing the search configuration.

  • A sorted list of engines. Clients may use the engine in the order that this list is specified, or they may implement their own order if they have other requirements.

    The application default engines should not be assumed from this order in case of future changes.

    The sort order is:

    • Application Default Engine
    • Application Default Engine for Private Mode (if specified & different)
    • Engines sorted by descending SearchEngineDefinition.orderHint
    • Any other engines in alphabetical order (locale based comparison)



    public var engines: [SearchEngineDefinition]
  • The identifier of the engine that should be used for the application default engine. If this is undefined, an error has occurred, and the application should either default to the first engine in the engines list or otherwise handle appropriately.



    public var appDefaultEngineId: String?
  • If specified, the identifier of the engine that should be used for the application default engine in private browsing mode. Only desktop uses this currently.



    public var appPrivateDefaultEngineId: String?
  • Declaration


    public init(
         * A sorted list of engines. Clients may use the engine in the order that
         * this list is specified, or they may implement their own order if they
         * have other requirements.
         * The application default engines should not be assumed from this order in
         * case of future changes.
         * The sort order is:
         * * Application Default Engine
         * * Application Default Engine for Private Mode (if specified & different)
         * * Engines sorted by descending `SearchEngineDefinition.orderHint`
         * * Any other engines in alphabetical order (locale based comparison)
         */engines: [SearchEngineDefinition], 
         * The identifier of the engine that should be used for the application
         * default engine. If this is undefined, an error has occurred, and the
         * application should either default to the first engine in the engines
         * list or otherwise handle appropriately.
         */appDefaultEngineId: String?, 
         * If specified, the identifier of the engine that should be used for the
         * application default engine in private browsing mode.
         * Only desktop uses this currently.
         */appPrivateDefaultEngineId: String?)
  • Declaration


    public static func == (lhs: RefinedSearchConfig, rhs: RefinedSearchConfig) -> Bool
  • Declaration


    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)