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Scheduling Queries in Airflow

  • bigquery-etl has tooling to automatically generate Airflow DAGs for scheduling queries
  • To be scheduled, a query must be assigned to a DAG that is specified in dags.yaml
    • New DAGs can be configured in dags.yaml, e.g., by adding the following:
      bqetl_ssl_ratios: # name of the DAG; must start with bqetl_
        schedule_interval: 0 2 * * * # query schedule
        description: The DAG schedules SSL ratios queries.
          start_date: "2020-04-05" # YYYY-MM-DD
          email: [""]
          retries: 2 # number of retries if the query execution fails
          retry_delay: 30m
    • All DAG names need to have bqetl_ as prefix.
    • schedule_interval is either defined as a CRON expression or alternatively as one of the following CRON presets: once, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly
    • start_date defines the first date for which the query should be executed
      • Airflow will not automatically backfill older dates if start_date is set in the past, backfilling can be done via the Airflow web interface
    • email lists email addresses alerts should be sent to in case of failures when running the query
  • Alternatively, new DAGs can also be created via the bqetl CLI by running bqetl dag create bqetl_ssl_ratios --schedule_interval='0 2 * * *' --owner="" --start_date="2020-04-05" --description="This DAG generates SSL ratios."
  • To schedule a specific query, add a metadata.yaml file that includes a scheduling section, for example:
    friendly_name: SSL ratios
    # ... more metadata, see Query Metadata section above
      dag_name: bqetl_ssl_ratios
    • Additional scheduling options:
      • depends_on_past keeps query from getting executed if the previous schedule for the query hasn't succeeded
      • date_partition_parameter - by default set to submission_date; can be set to null if query doesn't write to a partitioned table
      • parameters specifies a list of query parameters, e.g. ["n_clients:INT64:500"]
      • arguments - a list of arguments passed when running the query, for example: ["--append_table"]
      • referenced_tables - manually curated list of tables a Python or BigQuery script depends on; for query.sql files dependencies will get determined automatically and should only be overwritten manually if really necessary
      • multipart indicates whether a query is split over multiple files part1.sql, part2.sql, ...
      • depends_on defines external dependencies in telemetry-airflow that are not detected automatically:
          - task_id: external_task
            dag_name: external_dag
            execution_delta: 1h
        • task_id: name of task query depends on
        • dag_name: name of the DAG the external task is part of
        • execution_delta: time difference between the schedule_intervals of the external DAG and the DAG the query is part of
      • depends_on_tables_existing defines tables that the ETL will await the existence of via an Airflow sensor before running:
          - task_id: wait_for_foo_bar_baz
            table_id: '{{ ds_nodash }}'
            poke_interval: 30m
            timeout: 12h
            retries: 1
            retry_delay: 10m
        • task_id: ID to use for the generated Airflow sensor task.
        • table_id: Fully qualified ID of the table to wait for, including the project and dataset.
        • poke_interval: Time that the sensor should wait in between each check, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default poke interval is 5 minutes).
        • timeout: Time allowed before the sensor times out and fails, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default timeout is 8 hours).
        • retries: The number of retries that should be performed if the sensor times out or otherwise fails. This parameter is optional (the default depends on how the DAG is configured).
        • retry_delay: Time delay between retries, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default depends on how the DAG is configured).
      • depends_on_table_partitions_existing defines table partitions that the ETL will await the existence of via an Airflow sensor before running:
          - task_id: wait_for_foo_bar_baz
            partition_id: '{{ ds_nodash }}'
            poke_interval: 30m
            timeout: 12h
            retries: 1
            retry_delay: 10m
        • task_id: ID to use for the generated Airflow sensor task.
        • table_id: Fully qualified ID of the table to check, including the project and dataset. Note that the service account will need to have the BigQuery Job User role on the project and read access to the dataset.
        • partition_id: ID of the partition to wait for.
        • poke_interval: Time that the sensor should wait in between each check, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default poke interval is 5 minutes).
        • timeout: Time allowed before the sensor times out and fails, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default timeout is 8 hours).
        • retries: The number of retries that should be performed if the sensor times out or otherwise fails. This parameter is optional (the default depends on how the DAG is configured).
        • retry_delay: Time delay between retries, formatted as a timedelta string like "2h" or "30m". This parameter is optional (the default depends on how the DAG is configured).
      • trigger_rule: The rule that determines when the airflow task that runs this query should run. The default is all_success ("trigger this task when all directly upstream tasks have succeeded"); other rules can allow a task to run even if not all preceding tasks have succeeded. See the Airflow docs for the list of trigger rule options.
      • destination_table: The table to write to. If unspecified, defaults to the query destination; if None, no destination table is used (the query is simply run as-is). Note that if no destination table is specified, you will need to specify the submission_date parameter manually
      • external_downstream_tasks defines external downstream dependencies for which ExternalTaskMarkers will be added to the generated DAG. These task markers ensure that when the task is cleared for triggering a rerun, all downstream tasks are automatically cleared as well.
          - task_id: external_downstream_task
            dag_name: external_dag
            execution_delta: 1h
  • Queries can also be scheduled using the bqetl CLI: ./bqetl query schedule path/to/query_v1 --dag bqetl_ssl_ratios
  • To generate all Airflow DAGs run ./bqetl dag generate
    • Generated DAGs are located in the dags/ directory
    • Dependencies between queries scheduled in bigquery-etl and dependencies to stable tables are detected automatically
  • Specific DAGs can be generated by running ./bqetl dag generate bqetl_ssl_ratios
  • Generated DAGs do not need to be checked into main. CI automatically generates DAGs and writes them to the telemetry-airflow-dags repo from where Airflow will pick them up
  • Generated DAGs will be automatically detected and scheduled by Airflow
    • It might take up to 10 minutes for new DAGs and updates to show up in the Airflow UI
  • To generate tasks for importing data from Fivetran that an ETL task depends on add:
      - task_id: fivetran_import_1
      - task_id: another_fivetran_import
    • The Fivetran connector ID needs to be set as a variable <task_id>_connector_id in the Airflow admin interface for each import task