In 2016, the Reps Council decided to change the way in which Reps Mentors worked with their mentees. The idea was to train Reps Mentors with Coaching skills, so they could help their mentees in their personal development inside Mozilla's community. The Reps Council with Participation Team decided to create a new training model to be tested and iterate in the last part of 2016.
In the past 6 months we run this program twice (once with new mentors and the lastest with people that were mentors) and through that process we ended with these resources.
Here you can find 3 training resources (with links to other useful documents) that will guide you through the main concepts we believed are key for the Reps Mentors.
This is a temporary place until we decide where is the right place for them. But like Open Source developers says: «release early, release often». If you have feedback, you could leave it in the github repository. Thanks!

Listening to others
How to be focused on listening and understand others. This content will help you to differenciate 3 ways we have to listen to others and how we could move from one to the other in different situations.
Other Resources
Using Powerful Questions
This workshop helps participants explore using powerful questions. Developing this key skill can help open conversations, increase creativity, make better decisions, build stronger teams, and help focus. This workshop will take you through a series of reflections and activities that will help you practice asking powerful questions. -
The Questions Good Coaches Ask
Asking the right coaching questions means the difference between a one-way interrogation and a dynamic learning session. Good coaching questions give someone who’s busy and competent the space in which to step back and examine herself. The right question can stop her in her tracks as she finally sees her own actions from a different perspective or envisions a new solution to an old problem. She may indeed learn to question herself so that next time she can catch herself in the act and change her actions in the moment. By Amy Jen Su, Published on