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Query Parameters

Current as of Nov 17th, 2022

Query parameters are used to pass data from the relying party to Mozilla accounts.

OAuth parameters


Specify the OAuth client_id of the relier being signed in to.

When to specify

When authenticating a user for OAuth.


Specifies whether the content server prompts for permissions consent. Only applicable for trusted relying parties. Untrusted relying parties always show the prompt.


  • consent - Show the permissions prompt if any additional permissions are required. Only applicable for trusted relying parties. Untrusted relying parties always show the prompt.
  • none - Require no user interaction if the user is signed in. Only applicable for authorized relying parties that are not requesting keys. An error is returned to the RP for all others. See the prompt=none doc for more info.
  • login - Always prompt the user for their password and re-authenticate regardless if they have signed into the browser or have a cached session.

When to specify

When authenticating a user for OAuth.


Which URI should a user be redirected back to upon completion of the OAuth transaction.

When to specify

When authenticating a user for OAuth.


Specify the OAuth scope requested.


  • profile

When to specify

When authenticating a user for OAuth.


Specify an OAuth state token.

When to specify

When authenticating a user with OAuth.

Firefox/Sync parameters


Specifies the behavior of users sent to /. As of December 2019, the only supported action is email and force_auth.

Specifying action=email causes the "email-first" flow where unauthenticated users are first asked to enter their email address w/o a password. If an account exists for the address, the user is asked to login, if no account exists, the user is asked to create an account.


  • email
  • force_auth

When to specify

When authenticating a user


If they user arrived at Mozilla accounts from within Firefox browser chrome, specify where in Firefox the user came from.

entrypoint_experiment and entrypoint_variation

If an experiment is running at the entrypoint, set these properties to the name of the experiment and the variation that the user is part of.

When to specify



Specify which non-OAuth service a user is signing in to.


  • sync

When to specify

Only available if context equals fx_desktop_v3 or fx_ios_v1


Specify a profile field to make editable.


  • avatar

When to specify

If Mozilla accounts is opened to /settings and a profile field should be made editable.

  • /settings

Generic parameters


Specify an alternate context in which Mozilla accounts is being run, if not as a standard web page.


  • fx_desktop_v3 - Mozilla accounts is being used to sign in to Sync on Firefox Desktop using WebChannels. Used to add the syncPreferencesNotification capability
  • fx_ios_v1 - Mozilla accounts is being used to sign in to Sync on Firefox for iOS using CustomEvents.


When used on /signin, /oauth/signin, /signup, or /oauth/signup, suggest a user to sign in. If set to the string blank, an empty sign in form will be displayed and no suggested accounts will appear.

When specified at /force_auth, the user will be forced to sign in as the specified email. If an account does not exist for the specified email, the user will be unable to sign in.

When to specify

If the user's email address is already known.

MUST be specified when using force_auth, either via ?action=force_auth in the OAuth flow, or browsing directly to /force_auth for Sync.


The Google Analytics utm_campaign field. Will be passed back to the relier when authentication completes.

When to specify



The Google Analytics utm_content field. Will be passed back to the relier when authentication completes.

When to specify



The Google Analytics utm_medium field. Will be passed back to the relier when authentication completes.

When to specify



The Google Analytics utm_source field. Will be passed back to the relier when authentication completes.

When to specify



The Google Analytics utm_term field. Will be passed back to the relier when authentication completes.

When to specify


Email verification parameters


Used in the verification flows to specify the verification code.

When to use

Should not be used by relying parties.


Used in two cases:

  1. By the verification flows to specify the user id of the user being verified.
  2. By relying parties when loading a settings page to specify which account should be used.

When to use

Relying parties who send users to a settings page to e.g., set an avatar, can pass a uid to ensure users with multiple accounts update the avatar for the correct account.


Options below are experimental and have no guarantees.

Experimental/development parameters


Used by functional tests to indicate the browser is being automated.


  • true
  • false (default)


Used by functional tests to synthesize localStorage being disabled.


  • 0
  • 1

When to use

Should not be used by relying parties. Should only be used by functional tests.


Force a particular AB test.


  • emailFirst - Should the user go through the email-first flow?


Force the user into a particular AB test experiment group.


  • control - default behavior.
  • treatment - new behavior.

Reset Password parameters


Used to skip the confirmation form to reset a password


  • true (default)
  • false

When to use

Should not be used by relying parties. Should only be used for accounts that must be reset.


Allows you to override the default email that a reset password is hashed with.


  • user's current primary email (default)

When to use

After a user has changed their primary email you need to hash with the original account email if they perform a reset password.

Secondary email parameters


  • true
  • false (default)

When to specify

  • /settings/emails