Developer Setup

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to set up a development environment in order to be able to successfully contribute to and execute the ecosystem test scripts.

1. Clone the ecosystem-test-scripts repository

The ecosystem test scripts are hosted on the Mozilla Github and can be cloned using the method of your choice (see Github Cloning A Repository). Contributors should follow the Contributing Guidelines and Community Participation Guidelines for the repository.

2. Create a CircleCI API Token

In order to execute the circleci_scraper script, a personal CircleCI API Token is needed. To create a token, follow the creating a personal api token CircleCI instructions. Store the key value in a safe place.


3. Copy the BigQuery and Google Sheet Service Account JSON Keys

The metric_reporter and google_sheet_uploader scripts are set up using the ecosystem-test-eng GCP project with the metric-reporter and metric-gsheet service accounts respectively. In order to execute these scripts, keys for these service account, in the form of JSON files, need to be copied from the 1Password Ecosystem Test Engineering Team Vault into the root directory of the ecosystem-test-scripts project.

4. Set up the config.ini

All settings for the ecosystem-test-scripts are defined in the config.ini file. To set up a local config.ini file:

4.1 Make a copy of the config.ini.sample file found in the root directory of the ecosystem-test-scripts project and rename it to config.ini
4.2 Under the [circleci_scraper] section of the file, set the token value to the CircleCI API key created in step 2

5. Copy the latest raw data locally

By default, CircleCI has a retention policy of 30 days for artifacts and 90 days for uploaded test results; However, we have over a years worth of data gathered for some projects. In order to produce reports with full trend data and reduce scraping time, copy the latest raw_data from the ETE team folder to the root directory of the ecosystem-test-scripts project.

6. Set up the python virtual environment

This project uses Poetry for dependency management in conjunction with a pyproject.toml file. While you can use virtualenv to set up the dev environment, it is recommended to use pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv, as they work nicely with Poetry. Once poetry is installed, dependencies can be installed using the following Make command from the root directory:

make install

For more information on Make commands, run:

make help

7. Start Developing!