Contributing Documentation

Frost documentation may be written in either restructured text or Markdown (Common Mark syntax). All input is rendered into HTML with Sphinx.

Create a new documentation branch

Use a descriptive branch name that describes the changes, such as: adding_new_toaster_doc_section.

Create a new branch (assumes you already have configured SSH keys for your GitHub account):

git clone
cd frost
git checkout -b my_descriptive_documentation_branch
make install-docs

Make documentation changes in branch

While editing the documentation, you may find it useful to run an “autobuilder”. That will allow you to review the completed documentation as you save your work. To activate the autobuilder, open a new terminal window, then:

cd /path/to/frost
source venv/bin/activate
made doc-preview

You will want to terminate the autobuilder prior to doing the final checks below. Just enter ctrl-C in the terminal window running autobuilder. (A number of parameters can be used to adjust the behavior of the autobuilder. Run sphinx-autobuilder --help for a list, and set the environment variable AUTOBUILD_OPTS to override.)

Remember that any new sections will need to be listed in the table of contents in the index.rst file.

Build docs and read over changes

The following steps will give you a clean build of the final version of all the docs. You can view those by opening /path/to/frost/docs/_build/html/index.html in a browser.


pwd # Should be the main frost directory.
make doc-build

Read over your changes using your favorite web browser by going to a file:// URL for the index.html file.


echo "file://$(pwd)/_build/html/index.html"

Commit and review


git add .
git commit -m 'Adding new documentation section on video toasters'
git push

The first time you push, the URL for creating a PR will be shown in the terminal. If you missed that, display your branch on the web, and create the PR.

File a PR and request a review from a code owner.