Adding a New Service

Here are the steps to add a new service to the Frost framework.

Claim a name

Like ‘heroku’ ;)

Create a new directory by that name

Clone the repo:

git clone
git checkout -b new_service

Setup for new service:

mkdir heroku
cd heroku

Create Default Files

The new service should be a Python Package:


Commit shell:

git add .
git push -m 'Adding new service Heroku'

Add Service Specific Content responsible for obtaining data from the service, and placing it into the PyTest cache. The client module typically exposes the data via a “{service}_client” object. The PyTest framework will instantiate the client before any tests are run with all the configuration & credential information provided by the configuration files and command line options. (See Architecture for status of cache functionality.) (See doctest offline support for other requirements.) holds mapping functions which convert the data from the cache into the format expected by the tests. This should be the only file which imports the instantiation of the client. (Future best practices may pre-populate the cache outside of the PyTest execution.) (optional) As much as possible, put service specific options, etc. in this local file. (Some things may not work c.f. BUG.) In conventional PyTest usage, would contain fixture routines which did the combined steps of fetching the data and providing to the tests. If caching is not important, the traditional approach may be used.

Tests for these support files should be included as doc tests whenever practical. If possible, the default of executing the module should be to run the doc tests.

Conventions for Parametrization

One of the enhancements Frost makes to pytest is simplifying the task of getting test specific metadata into the JSON file to simplify downstream processing. To access this feature, you need to follow a few conventions that are unique to Frost.

When you use the pytest.mark.parametrize function, you supply two key arguments (see the pytest documentation for more details):

  • argvalues (2nd argument) - an iterable where each item contains information for one execution of the test.

  • ids (keyword argument) - a iterable where which results in a text string displayed, in addition to the test name, to uniquly identify one execution of the test. Caution: the string value is used for lookup during exemption processing. The mapping must be stable for this to work as expected – you can not let pytest generate a default value.

For any values you want to appear in the JSON output, argvalues should supply a dictionary with a unique-to-context key value. To actually insert the key, value pair into the output JSON, you must also specify the key in the global set METADATA_KEYS. Presence of the key in that set is what triggers the frost additions to put the key, value pair into the output JSON. One way to do that is:

from conftest import METADATA_KEYS

METADATA_KEYS.update("key_1", "key_2")

Add Service Specific Tests

test_*.py: normal PyTest tests, which each import the resources they need to test.