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Decoder Job

A job for normalizing ingestion messages. Defined in the com.mozilla.telemetry.Decoder class (source).


These transforms are currently executed against each message in order.

GeoIP Lookup

  1. Extract ip from the x_forwarded_for attribute
  2. use the third-to-last value (since the second-to-last value is a forwarding rule IP added by Google load balancer, and the last value is a Google load balancer IP added by nginx)
  3. Execute the following steps until one fails and ignore the exception
  4. Parse ip using InetAddress.getByName
  5. Lookup ip in the configured GeoIP2City.mmdb
  6. Extract country.iso_code as geo_country
  7. Extract as geo_city if cities15000.txt is not configured or city.geo_name_id is in the configured cities15000.txt
  8. Extract subdivisions[0].iso_code as geo_subdivision1
  9. Extract subdivisions[1].iso_code as geo_subdivision2
  10. Remove the x_forwarded_for and remote_addr attributes
  11. Remove any null values added to attributes

Parse URI

Attempt to extract attributes from uri, on failure send messages to the configured error output.


Attempt to decompress payload with gzip, on failure pass the message through unmodified.

Parse Payload

  1. Parse the message body as a UTF-8 encoded JSON payload
  2. Drop specific fields or entire messages that match a specific set of signatures for toxic data that we want to make sure we do not store
  3. Maintain counter metrics for each type of dropped message
  4. Validate the payload structure based on the JSON schema for the specified document type
  5. Invalid messages are routed to error output
  6. Extract some additional attributes such as client_id and os_name based on the payload contents

Parse User Agent

Attempt to extract browser, browser version, and os from the user_agent attribute, drop any nulls, and remove user_agent from attributes.

Write Metadata Into the Payload

Add a nested metadata field and several normalized_* attributes into the payload body.


Decoder jobs are executed the same way as sink jobs but with a few extra flags:

  • -Dexec.mainClass=com.mozilla.telemetry.Decoder
  • For Dataflow Flex Templates, change the docker-compose build argument to --build-arg FLEX_TEMPLATE_JAVA_MAIN_CLASS=com.mozilla.telemetry.Decoder
  • --geoCityDatabase=/path/to/GeoIP2-City.mmdb
  • --geoCityFilter=/path/to/cities15000.txt (optional)

To download the GeoLite2 database, you need to register for a MaxMind account to obtain a license key. After generating a new license key, set MM_LICENSE_KEY to your license key.


# create a test input file
mkdir -p tmp/
echo '{"payload":"dGVzdA==","attributeMap":{"remote_addr":""}}' > tmp/input.json

# Download `cities15000.txt`, `GeoLite2-City.mmdb`, and `schemas.tar.gz`

export MM_LICENSE_KEY="Your MaxMind License Key"

# do geo lookup on messages to stdout
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.mozilla.telemetry.Decoder -Dexec.args="\
    --geoCityDatabase=GeoLite2-City.mmdb \
    --geoCityFilter=cities15000.txt \
    --schemasLocation=schemas.tar.gz \
    --inputType=file \
    --input=tmp/input.json \
    --outputType=stdout \
    --errorOutputType=stderr \

# check the DecoderOptions help page for options specific to Decoder
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args=--help=DecoderOptions