Interface GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate.Callback

Enclosing interface:

public static interface GeckoSession.PermissionDelegate.Callback
Callback interface for notifying the result of a permission request.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Called by the implementation after permissions are granted; the implementation must call either grant() or reject() for every request.
    default void
    Called by the implementation when permissions are not granted; the implementation must call either grant() or reject() for every request.
  • Method Details

    • grant

      @UiThread default void grant()
      Called by the implementation after permissions are granted; the implementation must call either grant() or reject() for every request.
    • reject

      @UiThread default void reject()
      Called by the implementation when permissions are not granted; the implementation must call either grant() or reject() for every request.