Class WebExtension.PermissionPromptResponse

Enclosing class:

public static class WebExtension.PermissionPromptResponse extends Object
Holds all the information which the user has submited as part of a confirmation of a permissions prompt request.
  • Field Details

    • isPermissionsGranted

      @Nullable public final Boolean isPermissionsGranted
      Whether the user granted permissions or not.
    • isPrivateModeGranted

      @Nullable public final Boolean isPrivateModeGranted
      Whether the user granted access in private mode or not.
  • Constructor Details

    • PermissionPromptResponse

      public PermissionPromptResponse(@Nullable Boolean isPermissionsGranted, @Nullable Boolean isPrivateModeGranted)
      Creates a new PermissionPromptResponse with the given fields.
      isPermissionsGranted - Whether the user granted permissions or not.
      isPrivateModeGranted - Whether the user granted access in private mode or not.