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Debugging Options

Debug Tags

Tags all outgoing pings as debug pings to make them available for real-time validation, on the Glean Debug Ping Viewer.

The debug tag is used in the Glean Debug Ping Viewer so you can easily find your pings. The Debug Tag is not included in the ping itself, rather as a custom header in the network request; the header is X-Debug-ID.

All debug tags must match the regex [a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}. All other values are ignored.


Log Pings

When enabled, pings will be logged to the browser console when sent.


Source Tags

Tags outgoing pings with a maximum of 5 comma-separated tags. These are passed along in the network request using the X-Source-Tags custom header. All values must match the regex [a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}. If one of the values are invalid, then all tags will be ignored.

Glean.setSourceTags(["my-tag", "your-tag", "our-tag"]);


These APIs can be called from anywhere in your code base; before or after Glean is initialized. Be cautious of timing. If the debug option is not set until after initialization, then something like a page load event may never show up in the browser console or get sent to the Glean Debug Ping Viewer.


import Glean from '@mozilla/glean/web';
if (appEnvironment.isDev) {
Glean.setSourceTags(["my-tag", "your-tag", "our-tag"]);
Glean.initialize("my-app", true, {
// Configuration options