Package glean

Top-level package for Glean SDK.

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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at

"""Top-level package for Glean SDK."""

import warnings

import importlib.metadata
from semver import VersionInfo  # type: ignore

import glean_parser  # type: ignore

from .glean import Glean
from .config import Configuration
from ._loader import load_metrics, load_pings

__version__: str = "unknown"
    __version__ = importlib.metadata.version("glean-sdk")
except importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover

__author__ = "The Glean Team"
__email__ = ""

parser_version = VersionInfo.parse(GLEAN_PARSER_VERSION)
parser_version_next_major = parser_version.bump_major()

current_parser = VersionInfo.parse(glean_parser.__version__)
if current_parser < parser_version or current_parser >= parser_version_next_major:
        f"glean_sdk expected glean_parser ~= v{GLEAN_PARSER_VERSION}, "
        f"found v{glean_parser.__version__}",

__all__ = [

# Tell pdoc3 to ignore the, which is a Rust shared library, not
# a Python extension module.
__pdoc__ = {"libglean_ffi": False}



Provides an object to pass configuration to Glean.


The main Glean general API.


This module contains all of the metric types.

Network functionality for Glean.


Utilities for writing unit tests involving Glean.


def load_metrics(filepath: Union[str, pathlib.Path, List[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]], config: Optional[dict] = None) ‑> Any

Load metrics from a metrics.yaml file.


filepath : Path
The path to the file, or a list of paths, to load.
config : dict
A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior. These are documented in glean_parser:


metrics (object): An object containing a tree of metrics, as defined in the metrics.yaml file.


>>> metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
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def load_metrics(
    filepath: Union[Union[str, Path], List[Union[str, Path]]],
    config: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Any:
    Load metrics from a `metrics.yaml` file.

        filepath (Path): The path to the file, or a list of paths, to load.
        config (dict): A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior.
            These are documented in glean_parser:
        metrics (object): An object containing a tree of metrics, as defined in
            the `metrics.yaml` file.
        >>> metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
    if config is None:
        config = {}

    if not isinstance(filepath, list):
        filepath = [filepath]

    filepath = [Path(x) for x in filepath]

    result = parse_objects(filepath, config)

    errors = list(result)
    if len(errors):
        raise ValueError("\n\n".join(errors))

    metrics = result.value
    if len(metrics) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Didn't find any metrics in '{filepath}'")

    root = type("Metrics", (object,), {})

    for category_name, category in metrics.items():
        cursor = root
        for part in category_name.split("."):
            if not hasattr(cursor, part):
                setattr(cursor, part, type(category_name, (object,), {}))
            cursor = getattr(cursor, part)
        for name, metric in category.items():
            for actual_name, glean_metric in _get_metric_objects(name, metric):
                setattr(cursor, _normalize_name(actual_name), glean_metric)

    return root
def load_pings(filepath: Union[str, pathlib.Path, List[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]], config: Optional[dict] = None) ‑> Any

Load pings from a pings.yaml file.


filepath : Path
The path to the file, or a list of paths, to load.
config : dict
A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior. These are documented in glean_parser:


pings (object): An object where the attributes are pings, as defined in the pings.yaml file.


>>> pings = load_pings("pings.yaml")
>>> pings.baseline.submit()
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def load_pings(
    filepath: Union[Union[str, Path], List[Union[str, Path]]],
    config: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Any:
    Load pings from a `pings.yaml` file.

        filepath (Path): The path to the file, or a list of paths, to load.
        config (dict): A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior.
            These are documented in glean_parser:
        pings (object): An object where the attributes are pings, as defined in
            the `pings.yaml` file.
        >>> pings = load_pings("pings.yaml")
        >>> pings.baseline.submit()
    metrics = load_metrics(filepath, config)

    return metrics.pings


class Configuration (server_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, channel: Optional[str] = None, max_events: int = 500, ping_uploader: Optional[BaseUploader] = None, allow_multiprocessing: bool = True, enable_event_timestamps: bool = True, experimentation_id: Optional[str] = None, enable_internal_pings: bool = True)

Configuration values for Glean.


server_endpoint : str
Optional. The server pings are sent to. Defaults to DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT.
channel : str
Optional. The release channel the application is on, if known.
max_events : int
Optional.The number of events to store before force-sending. Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS.
ping_uploader : BaseUploader
Optional. The ping uploader implementation. Defaults to HttpClientUploader.
allow_multiprocessing : bool
When True (default), use a subprocess to offload some work (such as ping uploading).
enable_event_timestamps : bool
Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events. Default: True.
experimentation_id : string
An experimentation identifier derived by the application to be sent with all pings. Default: None.
enable_internal_pings : bool
Whether to enable internal pings. Default: True.
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class Configuration:
    Configuration values for Glean.

    def __init__(
        server_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
        channel: Optional[str] = None,
        max_events: int = DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS,
        ping_uploader: Optional[net.BaseUploader] = None,
        allow_multiprocessing: bool = True,
        enable_event_timestamps: bool = True,
        experimentation_id: Optional[str] = None,
        enable_internal_pings: bool = True,
            server_endpoint (str): Optional. The server pings are sent to.
                Defaults to `DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT`.
            channel (str): Optional. The release channel the application is on,
                if known.
            max_events (int): Optional.The number of events to store before
                force-sending. Defaults to `DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS`.
            ping_uploader ( Optional. The ping uploader
                implementation. Defaults to ``.
            allow_multiprocessing (bool): When True (default), use a subprocess
                to offload some work (such as ping uploading).
            enable_event_timestamps (bool): Whether to add a wallclock timestamp
                to all events. Default: `True`.
            experimentation_id (string): An experimentation identifier derived
                by the application to be sent with all pings. Default: None.
            enable_internal_pings (bool): Whether to enable internal pings. Default: `True`.
        if server_endpoint is None:
            server_endpoint = DEFAULT_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT
        self._server_endpoint = server_endpoint
        self._channel = channel
        self._max_events = max_events
        if ping_uploader is None:
            ping_uploader = net.HttpClientUploader()
        self._ping_uploader = ping_uploader
        self._allow_multiprocessing = allow_multiprocessing
        self._enable_event_timestamps = enable_event_timestamps
        self._experimentation_id = experimentation_id
        self._enable_internal_pings = enable_internal_pings

    def server_endpoint(self) -> str:
        """The server pings are sent to."""
        return self._server_endpoint

    def server_endpoint(self, value: str):
        self._server_endpoint = value

    def channel(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The release channel the application is on, if known."""
        return self._channel

    def channel(self, value: str):
        from ._builtins import metrics

        self._channel = value


    def max_events(self) -> int:
        """The number of events to store before force-sending."""
        return self._max_events

    # max_events can't be changed after Glean is initialized

    def enable_event_timestamps(self) -> bool:
        """Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events."""
        return self._enable_event_timestamps

    def experimentation_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """An experimentation id that will be sent in all pings"""
        return self._experimentation_id

    def enable_internal_pings(self) -> bool:
        """Whether to enable internal pings."""
        return self._enable_internal_pings

    def ping_uploader(self) -> net.BaseUploader:
        """The ping uploader implementation."""
        return self._ping_uploader

    def ping_uploader(self, value: net.BaseUploader):
        self._ping_uploader = value

Instance variables

var channel : Optional[str]

The release channel the application is on, if known.

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def channel(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """The release channel the application is on, if known."""
    return self._channel
var enable_event_timestamps : bool

Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events.

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def enable_event_timestamps(self) -> bool:
    """Whether to add a wallclock timestamp to all events."""
    return self._enable_event_timestamps
var enable_internal_pings : bool

Whether to enable internal pings.

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def enable_internal_pings(self) -> bool:
    """Whether to enable internal pings."""
    return self._enable_internal_pings
var experimentation_id : Optional[str]

An experimentation id that will be sent in all pings

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def experimentation_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
    """An experimentation id that will be sent in all pings"""
    return self._experimentation_id
var max_events : int

The number of events to store before force-sending.

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def max_events(self) -> int:
    """The number of events to store before force-sending."""
    return self._max_events
var ping_uploaderBaseUploader

The ping uploader implementation.

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def ping_uploader(self) -> net.BaseUploader:
    """The ping uploader implementation."""
    return self._ping_uploader
var server_endpoint : str

The server pings are sent to.

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def server_endpoint(self) -> str:
    """The server pings are sent to."""
    return self._server_endpoint
class Glean

The main Glean API.

Before any data collection can take place, the Glean SDK must be initialized from the application.

>>> Glean.initialize(
...     application_id="my-app",
...     application_version="0.0.0",
...     upload_enabled=True,
...     data_dir=Path.home() / ".glean",
... )
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class Glean:
    The main Glean API.

    Before any data collection can take place, the Glean SDK **must** be
    initialized from the application.

    >>> Glean.initialize(
    ...     application_id="my-app",
    ...     application_version="0.0.0",
    ...     upload_enabled=True,
    ...     data_dir=Path.home() / ".glean",
    ... )

    # Whether Glean was initialized
    _initialized: bool = False
    # Set when `initialize()` returns.
    # This allows to detect calls that happen before `Glean.initialize()` was called.
    # Note: The initialization might still be in progress, as it runs in a separate thread.
    _init_finished: bool = False

    # Are we in testing mode?
    _testing_mode: bool = False

    # The Configuration that was passed to `initialize`
    _configuration: Configuration

    # The directory that Glean stores data in
    _data_dir: Path = Path()

    # Whether Glean "owns" the data directory and should destroy it upon reset.
    _destroy_data_dir: bool = False

    # Keep track of this setting before Glean is initialized
    _upload_enabled: bool = True

    # The ping types, so they can be registered prior to Glean initialization,
    # and saved between test runs.
    _ping_type_queue: Set["PingType"] = set()

    # The application id to send in the ping.
    _application_id: str

    # The version of the application sending Glean data.
    _application_version: str

    # The build identifier generated by the CI system.
    _application_build_id: str

    # A thread lock for Glean operations that need to be synchronized
    _thread_lock = threading.RLock()

    # Simple logging API log level
    _simple_log_level: Optional[int] = None

    def initialize(
        application_id: str,
        application_version: str,
        upload_enabled: bool,
        configuration: Optional[Configuration] = None,
        data_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
        application_build_id: Optional[str] = None,
        log_level: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the Glean SDK.

        This should only be initialized once by the application, and not by
        libraries using the Glean SDK. A message is logged to error and no
        changes are made to the state if initialize is called a more than

            application_id (str): The application id to use when sending pings.
            application_version (str): The version of the application sending
                Glean data. The meaning of this field is application-specific,
                but it is highly recommended to set this to something
            upload_enabled (bool): Controls whether telemetry is enabled. If
                disabled, all persisted metrics, events and queued pings
                (except first_run_date) are cleared.
            configuration (glean.config.Configuration): (optional) An object with
                global settings.
            data_dir (pathlib.Path): The path to the Glean data directory.
            application_build_id (str): (optional) The build identifier generated
                by the CI system (e.g. "1234/A").
            log_level (int): (optional) The level of log messages that Glean
                will emit. One of the constants in the Python `logging` module:
                `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `CRITICAL`. If you need a
                specialized logging configuration, such as to redirecting,
                filtering or reformatting, you should use the Python `logging`
                module's API directly, but that will not affect logging any of
                Glean's networking operations which happen in a subprocess.
                Details in the "Debugging Python applications with the Glean
                SDK" chapter in the docs.
        if log_level is not None:
            cls._simple_log_level = log_level

        with cls._thread_lock:
            if cls.is_initialized():


            if configuration is None:
                configuration = Configuration()

            if data_dir is None:
                raise TypeError("data_dir must be provided")
            cls._data_dir = data_dir
            cls._destroy_data_dir = False

            cls._configuration = configuration
            cls._application_id = application_id

            if application_version is None:
                cls._application_version = "Unknown"
                cls._application_version = application_version

            if application_build_id is None:
                cls._application_build_id = "Unknown"
                cls._application_build_id = application_build_id

        # FIXME: Require user to pass in build-date
        dt = _uniffi.Datetime(
        client_info = _uniffi.ClientInfoMetrics(
        callbacks = OnGleanEventsImpl(cls)
        cfg = _uniffi.InternalConfiguration(

        _uniffi.glean_initialize(cfg, client_info, callbacks)
        cls._initialized = True

    def _initialize_with_tempdir_for_testing(
        application_id: str,
        application_version: str,
        upload_enabled: bool,
        configuration: Optional[Configuration] = None,
        application_build_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize Glean to use a temporary data directory. Use for internal
        unit testing only.

        The temporary directory will be destroyed when Glean is initialized
        again or at process shutdown.

        actual_data_dir = Path(tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name)
        cls._destroy_data_dir = True

    def configuration(cls) -> Configuration:
        Access the configuration object to change dynamic parameters.
        return cls._configuration

    def _reset(cls) -> None:
        Resets the Glean singleton.
        # TODO: 1594184 Send the metrics ping
        log.debug("Resetting Glean")

        # Wait for the subprocess to complete.  We only need to do this if
        # we know we are going to be deleting the data directory.
        if cls._destroy_data_dir and cls._data_dir.exists():

        # Destroy the Glean object.
        # Importantly on Windows, this closes the handle to the database so
        # that the data directory can be deleted without a multiple access
        # violation.

        cls._init_finished = False
        cls._initialized = False
        cls._testing_mode = False

        # Remove the atexit handler or it will get called multiple times at
        # exit.

        if cls._destroy_data_dir and cls._data_dir.exists():
            # This needs to be run in the same one-at-a-time process as the
            # PingUploadWorker to avoid a race condition. This will block the
            # main thread waiting for all pending uploads to complete, but this
            # only happens during testing when the data directory is a
            # temporary directory, so there is no concern about delaying
            # application shutdown here.
            p = ProcessDispatcher.dispatch(_rmtree, (str(cls._data_dir),))

    def is_initialized(cls) -> bool:
        Returns True if the Glean SDK has been initialized.
        return cls._initialized

    def set_upload_enabled(cls, enabled: bool) -> None:
        Enable or disable Glean collection and upload.

        Metric collection is enabled by default.

        When uploading is disabled, metrics aren't recorded at all and no data
        is uploaded.

        When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.

        When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.

            enabled (bool): When True, enable metric collection.
        # Changing upload enabled always happens asynchronous.
        # That way it follows what a user expect when calling it inbetween other calls:
        # It executes in the right order.
        # Because the dispatch queue is halted until Glean is fully initialized
        # we can safely enqueue here and it will execute after initialization.

    def set_experiment_active(
        cls, experiment_id: str, branch: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    ) -> None:
        Indicate that an experiment is running. Glean will then add an
        experiment annotation to the environment which is sent with pings. This
        information is not persisted between runs.

            experiment_id (str): The id of the active experiment (maximum 100
            branch (str): The experiment branch (maximum 100 bytes)
            extra (dict of str -> str): Optional metadata to output with the
        map = {} if extra is None else extra
        _uniffi.glean_set_experiment_active(experiment_id, branch, map)

    def set_experiment_inactive(cls, experiment_id: str) -> None:
        Indicate that the experiment is no longer running.

            experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to deactivate.

    def test_is_experiment_active(cls, experiment_id: str) -> bool:
        Tests whether an experiment is active, for testing purposes only.

            experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to look for.

            is_active (bool): If the experiement is active and reported in
        return _uniffi.glean_test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id) is not None

    def test_get_experiment_data(cls, experiment_id: str) -> "RecordedExperiment":
        Returns the stored data for the requested active experiment, for testing purposes only.

            experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to look for.

            experiment_data (RecordedExperiment): The data associated with
                the experiment.
        data = _uniffi.glean_test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id)
        if data is not None:
            return data
            raise RuntimeError("Experiment data is not set")

    def set_experimentation_id(cls, experimentation_id: str):
        Dynamically set the experimentation identifier, as opposed to setting it through
        the configuration during initialization.

            experimentation_id (str): The string experimentation identifier to set

    def test_get_experimentation_id(cls) -> str:
        Returns the stored experimentation id, for testing purposes only.

            experimentation_id (str): The experimentation id set by the client.
        experimentation_id = _uniffi.glean_test_get_experimentation_id()
        if experimentation_id is not None:
            return experimentation_id
            raise RuntimeError("Experimentation id is not set")

    def handle_client_active(cls):
        Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.

        This functions generates a baseline ping with reason `active`
        and then sets the dirty bit.
        This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes active (e.g.
        getting to foreground).

    def handle_client_inactive(cls):
        Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.

        This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason
        `inactive` and then clears the dirty bit.
        This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes inactive (e.g.
        getting to background).

    def shutdown(cls):
        Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion.

        # On top of the Glean shutdown
        # we also wait for the process dispatcher to finish.

Static methods

def handle_client_active()

Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.

This functions generates a baseline ping with reason active and then sets the dirty bit. This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes active (e.g. getting to foreground).

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def handle_client_active(cls):
    Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.

    This functions generates a baseline ping with reason `active`
    and then sets the dirty bit.
    This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes active (e.g.
    getting to foreground).
def handle_client_inactive()

Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.

This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason inactive and then clears the dirty bit. This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes inactive (e.g. getting to background).

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def handle_client_inactive(cls):
    Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.

    This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason
    `inactive` and then clears the dirty bit.
    This should be called whenever the consuming product becomes inactive (e.g.
    getting to background).
def initialize(application_id: str, application_version: str, upload_enabled: bool, configuration: Optional[Configuration] = None, data_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, application_build_id: Optional[str] = None, log_level: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None

Initialize the Glean SDK.

This should only be initialized once by the application, and not by libraries using the Glean SDK. A message is logged to error and no changes are made to the state if initialize is called a more than once.


application_id : str
The application id to use when sending pings.
application_version : str
The version of the application sending Glean data. The meaning of this field is application-specific, but it is highly recommended to set this to something meaningful.
upload_enabled : bool
Controls whether telemetry is enabled. If disabled, all persisted metrics, events and queued pings (except first_run_date) are cleared.
configuration : Configuration
(optional) An object with global settings.
data_dir : pathlib.Path
The path to the Glean data directory.
application_build_id : str
(optional) The build identifier generated by the CI system (e.g. "1234/A").
log_level : int
(optional) The level of log messages that Glean will emit. One of the constants in the Python logging module: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. If you need a specialized logging configuration, such as to redirecting, filtering or reformatting, you should use the Python logging module's API directly, but that will not affect logging any of Glean's networking operations which happen in a subprocess. Details in the "Debugging Python applications with the Glean SDK" chapter in the docs.
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def initialize(
    application_id: str,
    application_version: str,
    upload_enabled: bool,
    configuration: Optional[Configuration] = None,
    data_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
    application_build_id: Optional[str] = None,
    log_level: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    Initialize the Glean SDK.

    This should only be initialized once by the application, and not by
    libraries using the Glean SDK. A message is logged to error and no
    changes are made to the state if initialize is called a more than

        application_id (str): The application id to use when sending pings.
        application_version (str): The version of the application sending
            Glean data. The meaning of this field is application-specific,
            but it is highly recommended to set this to something
        upload_enabled (bool): Controls whether telemetry is enabled. If
            disabled, all persisted metrics, events and queued pings
            (except first_run_date) are cleared.
        configuration (glean.config.Configuration): (optional) An object with
            global settings.
        data_dir (pathlib.Path): The path to the Glean data directory.
        application_build_id (str): (optional) The build identifier generated
            by the CI system (e.g. "1234/A").
        log_level (int): (optional) The level of log messages that Glean
            will emit. One of the constants in the Python `logging` module:
            `DEBUG`, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, `CRITICAL`. If you need a
            specialized logging configuration, such as to redirecting,
            filtering or reformatting, you should use the Python `logging`
            module's API directly, but that will not affect logging any of
            Glean's networking operations which happen in a subprocess.
            Details in the "Debugging Python applications with the Glean
            SDK" chapter in the docs.
    if log_level is not None:
        cls._simple_log_level = log_level

    with cls._thread_lock:
        if cls.is_initialized():


        if configuration is None:
            configuration = Configuration()

        if data_dir is None:
            raise TypeError("data_dir must be provided")
        cls._data_dir = data_dir
        cls._destroy_data_dir = False

        cls._configuration = configuration
        cls._application_id = application_id

        if application_version is None:
            cls._application_version = "Unknown"
            cls._application_version = application_version

        if application_build_id is None:
            cls._application_build_id = "Unknown"
            cls._application_build_id = application_build_id

    # FIXME: Require user to pass in build-date
    dt = _uniffi.Datetime(
    client_info = _uniffi.ClientInfoMetrics(
    callbacks = OnGleanEventsImpl(cls)
    cfg = _uniffi.InternalConfiguration(

    _uniffi.glean_initialize(cfg, client_info, callbacks)
    cls._initialized = True
def is_initialized() ‑> bool

Returns True if the Glean SDK has been initialized.

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def is_initialized(cls) -> bool:
    Returns True if the Glean SDK has been initialized.
    return cls._initialized
def set_experiment_active(experiment_id: str, branch: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) ‑> None

Indicate that an experiment is running. Glean will then add an experiment annotation to the environment which is sent with pings. This information is not persisted between runs.


experiment_id : str
The id of the active experiment (maximum 100 bytes)
branch : str
The experiment branch (maximum 100 bytes)

extra (dict of str -> str): Optional metadata to output with the ping

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def set_experiment_active(
    cls, experiment_id: str, branch: str, extra: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> None:
    Indicate that an experiment is running. Glean will then add an
    experiment annotation to the environment which is sent with pings. This
    information is not persisted between runs.

        experiment_id (str): The id of the active experiment (maximum 100
        branch (str): The experiment branch (maximum 100 bytes)
        extra (dict of str -> str): Optional metadata to output with the
    map = {} if extra is None else extra
    _uniffi.glean_set_experiment_active(experiment_id, branch, map)
def set_experiment_inactive(experiment_id: str) ‑> None

Indicate that the experiment is no longer running.


experiment_id : str
The id of the experiment to deactivate.
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def set_experiment_inactive(cls, experiment_id: str) -> None:
    Indicate that the experiment is no longer running.

        experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to deactivate.
def set_experimentation_id(experimentation_id: str)

Dynamically set the experimentation identifier, as opposed to setting it through the configuration during initialization.


experimentation_id : str
The string experimentation identifier to set
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def set_experimentation_id(cls, experimentation_id: str):
    Dynamically set the experimentation identifier, as opposed to setting it through
    the configuration during initialization.

        experimentation_id (str): The string experimentation identifier to set
def set_upload_enabled(enabled: bool) ‑> None

Enable or disable Glean collection and upload.

Metric collection is enabled by default.

When uploading is disabled, metrics aren't recorded at all and no data is uploaded.

When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.

When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.


enabled : bool
When True, enable metric collection.
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def set_upload_enabled(cls, enabled: bool) -> None:
    Enable or disable Glean collection and upload.

    Metric collection is enabled by default.

    When uploading is disabled, metrics aren't recorded at all and no data
    is uploaded.

    When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.

    When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.

        enabled (bool): When True, enable metric collection.
    # Changing upload enabled always happens asynchronous.
    # That way it follows what a user expect when calling it inbetween other calls:
    # It executes in the right order.
    # Because the dispatch queue is halted until Glean is fully initialized
    # we can safely enqueue here and it will execute after initialization.
def shutdown()

Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion.

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def shutdown(cls):
    Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion.

    # On top of the Glean shutdown
    # we also wait for the process dispatcher to finish.
def test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id: str) ‑> RecordedExperiment

Returns the stored data for the requested active experiment, for testing purposes only.


experiment_id : str
The id of the experiment to look for.


experiment_data (RecordedExperiment): The data associated with the experiment.

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def test_get_experiment_data(cls, experiment_id: str) -> "RecordedExperiment":
    Returns the stored data for the requested active experiment, for testing purposes only.

        experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to look for.

        experiment_data (RecordedExperiment): The data associated with
            the experiment.
    data = _uniffi.glean_test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id)
    if data is not None:
        return data
        raise RuntimeError("Experiment data is not set")
def test_get_experimentation_id() ‑> str

Returns the stored experimentation id, for testing purposes only.


experimentation_id (str): The experimentation id set by the client.

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def test_get_experimentation_id(cls) -> str:
    Returns the stored experimentation id, for testing purposes only.

        experimentation_id (str): The experimentation id set by the client.
    experimentation_id = _uniffi.glean_test_get_experimentation_id()
    if experimentation_id is not None:
        return experimentation_id
        raise RuntimeError("Experimentation id is not set")
def test_is_experiment_active(experiment_id: str) ‑> bool

Tests whether an experiment is active, for testing purposes only.


experiment_id : str
The id of the experiment to look for.


is_active (bool): If the experiement is active and reported in pings.

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def test_is_experiment_active(cls, experiment_id: str) -> bool:
    Tests whether an experiment is active, for testing purposes only.

        experiment_id (str): The id of the experiment to look for.

        is_active (bool): If the experiement is active and reported in
    return _uniffi.glean_test_get_experiment_data(experiment_id) is not None

Instance variables

var configuration

Decorator for creating a property on a class (rather than an instance).

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def __get__(self, obj, owner):
    return self.f(owner)