Module glean.metrics
This module contains all of the metric types.
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This module contains all of the metric types.
# Re-export utilities
from .._uniffi import CommonMetricData
from .._uniffi import LabeledMetricData
from .._uniffi import Lifetime
from .._uniffi import MemoryUnit
from .._uniffi import TimerId
from .._uniffi import TimeUnit
from .._uniffi import RecordedExperiment
# Re-export some metrics directly
from .._uniffi import BooleanMetric as BooleanMetricType
from .._uniffi import CounterMetric as CounterMetricType
from .._uniffi import MemoryDistributionMetric as MemoryDistributionMetricType
from .._uniffi import QuantityMetric as QuantityMetricType
from .._uniffi import StringListMetric as StringListMetricType
# Export wrapper implementations for metric types
from .datetime import DatetimeMetricType
from .event import EventMetricType, EventExtras, RecordedEvent
from .object import ObjectMetricType, ObjectSerialize
from .labeled import (
from .ping import PingType
from .string import StringMetricType
from .timespan import TimespanMetricType
from .timing_distribution import TimingDistributionMetricType
from .url import UrlMetricType
from .uuid import UuidMetricType
__all__ = [
class BooleanMetricType (meta: "'CommonMetricData'")
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class BooleanMetric: _pointer: ctypes.c_void_p def __init__(self, meta: "CommonMetricData"): _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.check_lower(meta) self._pointer = _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_constructor_booleanmetric_new, _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.lower(meta)) def __del__(self): # In case of partial initialization of instances. pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None) if pointer is not None: _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_free_booleanmetric, pointer) def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self): return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_clone_booleanmetric, self._pointer) # Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type. @classmethod def _make_instance_(cls, pointer): # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic # and just create a new instance with the required pointer. inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._pointer = pointer return inst def set(self, value: "bool") -> None: _UniffiConverterBool.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterBool.lower(value)) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) ) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[bool]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalBool.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
def set(self, value: "'bool'") ‑> None
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def set(self, value: "bool") -> None: _UniffiConverterBool.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterBool.lower(value))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "'ErrorType'") ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) )
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, typing.Optional[str]]'" = <object object>) ‑> Optional[bool]
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[bool]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalBool.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_booleanmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
class CommonMetricData (*, category: "'str'", name: "'str'", send_in_pings: "'typing.List[str]'", lifetime: "'Lifetime'", disabled: "'bool'", dynamic_label: "'typing.Optional[str]'" = <object object>)
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class CommonMetricData: category: "str" name: "str" send_in_pings: "typing.List[str]" lifetime: "Lifetime" disabled: "bool" dynamic_label: "typing.Optional[str]" def __init__(self, *, category: "str", name: "str", send_in_pings: "typing.List[str]", lifetime: "Lifetime", disabled: "bool", dynamic_label: "typing.Optional[str]" = _DEFAULT): self.category = category = name self.send_in_pings = send_in_pings self.lifetime = lifetime self.disabled = disabled if dynamic_label is _DEFAULT: self.dynamic_label = None else: self.dynamic_label = dynamic_label def __str__(self): return "CommonMetricData(category={}, name={}, send_in_pings={}, lifetime={}, disabled={}, dynamic_label={})".format(self.category,, self.send_in_pings, self.lifetime, self.disabled, self.dynamic_label) def __eq__(self, other): if self.category != other.category: return False if != return False if self.send_in_pings != other.send_in_pings: return False if self.lifetime != other.lifetime: return False if self.disabled != other.disabled: return False if self.dynamic_label != other.dynamic_label: return False return True
Class variables
var category : str
var disabled : bool
var dynamic_label : Optional[str]
var lifetime : glean._uniffi.glean.Lifetime
var name : str
var send_in_pings : List[str]
class CounterMetricType (meta: "'CommonMetricData'")
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class CounterMetric: _pointer: ctypes.c_void_p def __init__(self, meta: "CommonMetricData"): _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.check_lower(meta) self._pointer = _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_constructor_countermetric_new, _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.lower(meta)) def __del__(self): # In case of partial initialization of instances. pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None) if pointer is not None: _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_free_countermetric, pointer) def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self): return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_clone_countermetric, self._pointer) # Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type. @classmethod def _make_instance_(cls, pointer): # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic # and just create a new instance with the required pointer. inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._pointer = pointer return inst def add(self, amount: "typing.Union[object, int]" = _DEFAULT) -> None: if amount is _DEFAULT: amount = 1 _UniffiConverterInt32.check_lower(amount) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_add,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt32.lower(amount)) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) ) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[int]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
def add(self, amount: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, int]'" = <object object>) ‑> None
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def add(self, amount: "typing.Union[object, int]" = _DEFAULT) -> None: if amount is _DEFAULT: amount = 1 _UniffiConverterInt32.check_lower(amount) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_add,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt32.lower(amount))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "'ErrorType'") ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) )
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, typing.Optional[str]]'" = <object object>) ‑> Optional[int]
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[int]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_countermetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
class DatetimeMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData, time_unit: glean._uniffi.glean.TimeUnit)
This implements the developer facing API for recording datetime metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The datetime API only exposes the
method.Expand source code
class DatetimeMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording datetime metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The datetime API only exposes the `DatetimeMetricType.set` method. """ def __init__(self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData, time_unit: TimeUnit): self._inner = DatetimeMetric(common_metric_data, time_unit) def set(self, value: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) -> None: """ Set a datetime value, truncating it to the metric's resolution. Args: value (datetime.datetime): (default: now) The `datetime.datetime` value to set. If not provided, will record the current time. """ if value is None: # now at UTC -> astimezone gives us a time with the local timezone. value = tzinfo = value.tzinfo if tzinfo is not None: utcoff = tzinfo.utcoffset(value) if utcoff is not None: offset = utcoff.seconds else: offset = 0 else: offset = 0 dt = Datetime( year=value.year, month=value.month,, hour=value.hour, minute=value.minute, second=value.second, nanosecond=value.microsecond * 1000, offset_seconds=offset, ) self._inner.set(dt) def test_get_value_as_str(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only, as an ISO8601 string. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (str): value of the stored metric. """ dt = self.test_get_value(ping_name) if not dt: return None return dt.isoformat() def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (datetime.datetime): value of the stored metric. """ value = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if not value: return None tz = tzoffset(value.offset_seconds) dt = datetime.datetime( year=value.year, month=value.month,, hour=value.hour, minute=value.minute, second=value.second, microsecond=round(value.nanosecond / 1000), tzinfo=tz, ) return dt def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def set(self, value: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) ‑> None
Set a datetime value, truncating it to the metric's resolution.
- (default: now) The
value to set. If not provided, will record the current time.
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def set(self, value: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) -> None: """ Set a datetime value, truncating it to the metric's resolution. Args: value (datetime.datetime): (default: now) The `datetime.datetime` value to set. If not provided, will record the current time. """ if value is None: # now at UTC -> astimezone gives us a time with the local timezone. value = tzinfo = value.tzinfo if tzinfo is not None: utcoff = tzinfo.utcoffset(value) if utcoff is not None: offset = utcoff.seconds else: offset = 0 else: offset = 0 dt = Datetime( year=value.year, month=value.month,, hour=value.hour, minute=value.minute, second=value.second, nanosecond=value.microsecond * 1000, offset_seconds=offset, ) self._inner.set(dt)
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[datetime.datetime]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (datetime.datetime): value of the stored metric.
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (datetime.datetime): value of the stored metric. """ value = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if not value: return None tz = tzoffset(value.offset_seconds) dt = datetime.datetime( year=value.year, month=value.month,, hour=value.hour, minute=value.minute, second=value.second, microsecond=round(value.nanosecond / 1000), tzinfo=tz, ) return dt
def test_get_value_as_str(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[str]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only, as an ISO8601 string.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (str): value of the stored metric.
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def test_get_value_as_str(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only, as an ISO8601 string. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (str): value of the stored metric. """ dt = self.test_get_value(ping_name) if not dt: return None return dt.isoformat()
class EventExtras
A class that can be converted into key-value pairs of event extras. This will be automatically implemented for event properties of an [EventMetricType].
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class EventExtras: """ A class that can be converted into key-value pairs of event extras. This will be automatically implemented for event properties of an [EventMetricType]. """ def to_ffi_extra(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Convert the event extras into a key-value dict: """ return {}
def to_ffi_extra(self) ‑> Dict[str, str]
Convert the event extras into a key-value dict:
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def to_ffi_extra(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Convert the event extras into a key-value dict: """ return {}
class EventMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData, allowed_extra_keys: List[str])
This implements the developer facing API for recording events.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The event API only exposes the
method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced.Expand source code
class EventMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording events. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The event API only exposes the `EventMetricType.record` method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced. """ def __init__( self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData, allowed_extra_keys: List[str], ): self._inner = EventMetric(common_metric_data, allowed_extra_keys) def record(self, extra: Optional[EventExtras] = None) -> None: """ Record an event by using the information provided by the instance of this class. Args: extra: optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100. """ if isinstance(extra, EventExtras): inner_extra = extra.to_ffi_extra() else: inner_extra = {} self._inner.record(inner_extra) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[List[RecordedEvent]]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events. """ # Translate NO extras into an empty dictionary, # to simplify handling. recordings = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if recordings: for recording in recordings: if recording.extra is None: recording.extra = {} return recordings def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def record(self, extra: Optional[EventExtras] = None) ‑> None
Record an event by using the information provided by the instance of this class.
- optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100.
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def record(self, extra: Optional[EventExtras] = None) -> None: """ Record an event by using the information provided by the instance of this class. Args: extra: optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100. """ if isinstance(extra, EventExtras): inner_extra = extra.to_ffi_extra() else: inner_extra = {} self._inner.record(inner_extra)
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric.
- The type of error recorded.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type.
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[List[glean._uniffi.glean.RecordedEvent]]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events.
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[List[RecordedEvent]]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events. """ # Translate NO extras into an empty dictionary, # to simplify handling. recordings = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if recordings: for recording in recordings: if recording.extra is None: recording.extra = {} return recordings
class LabeledBooleanMetricType (labeled_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData, labels: Optional[Set[str]] = None)
This implements the developer-facing API for labeled metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.Unlike most metric types, LabeledMetricType does not have its own corresponding storage, but records metrics for the underlying metric type T in the storage for that type. The only difference is that labeled metrics are stored with the special key
. The collect method knows how to pull these special values back out of the individual metric storage and rearrange them correctly in the ping.Expand source code
class LabeledBooleanMetricType(LabeledMetricBase): _ctor = LabeledBoolean
- glean.metrics.labeled.LabeledMetricBase
class LabeledCounterMetricType (labeled_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData, labels: Optional[Set[str]] = None)
This implements the developer-facing API for labeled metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.Unlike most metric types, LabeledMetricType does not have its own corresponding storage, but records metrics for the underlying metric type T in the storage for that type. The only difference is that labeled metrics are stored with the special key
. The collect method knows how to pull these special values back out of the individual metric storage and rearrange them correctly in the ping.Expand source code
class LabeledCounterMetricType(LabeledMetricBase): _ctor = LabeledCounter
- glean.metrics.labeled.LabeledMetricBase
class LabeledMetricData
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class LabeledMetricData: def __init__(self): raise RuntimeError("LabeledMetricData cannot be instantiated directly") # Each enum variant is a nested class of the enum itself. class COMMON: cmd: "CommonMetricData" def __init__(self,cmd: "CommonMetricData"): self.cmd = cmd def __str__(self): return "LabeledMetricData.COMMON(cmd={})".format(self.cmd) def __eq__(self, other): if not other.is_common(): return False if self.cmd != other.cmd: return False return True class CUSTOM_DISTRIBUTION: cmd: "CommonMetricData" range_min: "int" range_max: "int" bucket_count: "int" histogram_type: "HistogramType" def __init__(self,cmd: "CommonMetricData", range_min: "int", range_max: "int", bucket_count: "int", histogram_type: "HistogramType"): self.cmd = cmd self.range_min = range_min self.range_max = range_max self.bucket_count = bucket_count self.histogram_type = histogram_type def __str__(self): return "LabeledMetricData.CUSTOM_DISTRIBUTION(cmd={}, range_min={}, range_max={}, bucket_count={}, histogram_type={})".format(self.cmd, self.range_min, self.range_max, self.bucket_count, self.histogram_type) def __eq__(self, other): if not other.is_custom_distribution(): return False if self.cmd != other.cmd: return False if self.range_min != other.range_min: return False if self.range_max != other.range_max: return False if self.bucket_count != other.bucket_count: return False if self.histogram_type != other.histogram_type: return False return True class MEMORY_DISTRIBUTION: cmd: "CommonMetricData" unit: "MemoryUnit" def __init__(self,cmd: "CommonMetricData", unit: "MemoryUnit"): self.cmd = cmd self.unit = unit def __str__(self): return "LabeledMetricData.MEMORY_DISTRIBUTION(cmd={}, unit={})".format(self.cmd, self.unit) def __eq__(self, other): if not other.is_memory_distribution(): return False if self.cmd != other.cmd: return False if self.unit != other.unit: return False return True class TIMING_DISTRIBUTION: cmd: "CommonMetricData" unit: "TimeUnit" def __init__(self,cmd: "CommonMetricData", unit: "TimeUnit"): self.cmd = cmd self.unit = unit def __str__(self): return "LabeledMetricData.TIMING_DISTRIBUTION(cmd={}, unit={})".format(self.cmd, self.unit) def __eq__(self, other): if not other.is_timing_distribution(): return False if self.cmd != other.cmd: return False if self.unit != other.unit: return False return True # For each variant, we have an `is_NAME` method for easily checking # whether an instance is that variant. def is_common(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.COMMON) def is_custom_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.CUSTOM_DISTRIBUTION) def is_memory_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.MEMORY_DISTRIBUTION) def is_timing_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.TIMING_DISTRIBUTION)
- glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData.COMMON
- glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData.CUSTOM_DISTRIBUTION
- glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData.MEMORY_DISTRIBUTION
- glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData.TIMING_DISTRIBUTION
Class variables
def is_common(self) ‑> bool
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def is_common(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.COMMON)
def is_custom_distribution(self) ‑> bool
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def is_custom_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.CUSTOM_DISTRIBUTION)
def is_memory_distribution(self) ‑> bool
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def is_memory_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.MEMORY_DISTRIBUTION)
def is_timing_distribution(self) ‑> bool
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def is_timing_distribution(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self, LabeledMetricData.TIMING_DISTRIBUTION)
class LabeledStringMetricType (labeled_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.LabeledMetricData, labels: Optional[Set[str]] = None)
This implements the developer-facing API for labeled metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.Unlike most metric types, LabeledMetricType does not have its own corresponding storage, but records metrics for the underlying metric type T in the storage for that type. The only difference is that labeled metrics are stored with the special key
. The collect method knows how to pull these special values back out of the individual metric storage and rearrange them correctly in the ping.Expand source code
class LabeledStringMetricType(LabeledMetricBase): _ctor = LabeledString
- glean.metrics.labeled.LabeledMetricBase
class Lifetime (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class Lifetime(enum.Enum): PING = 0 APPLICATION = 1 USER = 2
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var PING
var USER
class MemoryDistributionMetricType (meta: "'CommonMetricData'", memory_unit: "'MemoryUnit'")
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class MemoryDistributionMetric: _pointer: ctypes.c_void_p def __init__(self, meta: "CommonMetricData",memory_unit: "MemoryUnit"): _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.check_lower(meta) _UniffiConverterTypeMemoryUnit.check_lower(memory_unit) self._pointer = _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_constructor_memorydistributionmetric_new, _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.lower(meta), _UniffiConverterTypeMemoryUnit.lower(memory_unit)) def __del__(self): # In case of partial initialization of instances. pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None) if pointer is not None: _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_free_memorydistributionmetric, pointer) def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self): return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_clone_memorydistributionmetric, self._pointer) # Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type. @classmethod def _make_instance_(cls, pointer): # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic # and just create a new instance with the required pointer. inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._pointer = pointer return inst def accumulate(self, sample: "int") -> None: _UniffiConverterInt64.check_lower(sample) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_accumulate,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt64.lower(sample)) def accumulate_samples(self, samples: "typing.List[int]") -> None: _UniffiConverterSequenceInt64.check_lower(samples) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_accumulate_samples,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterSequenceInt64.lower(samples)) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) ) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[DistributionData]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalTypeDistributionData.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
def accumulate(self, sample: "'int'") ‑> None
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def accumulate(self, sample: "int") -> None: _UniffiConverterInt64.check_lower(sample) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_accumulate,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt64.lower(sample))
def accumulate_samples(self, samples: "'typing.List[int]'") ‑> None
Expand source code
def accumulate_samples(self, samples: "typing.List[int]") -> None: _UniffiConverterSequenceInt64.check_lower(samples) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_accumulate_samples,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterSequenceInt64.lower(samples))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "'ErrorType'") ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) )
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, typing.Optional[str]]'" = <object object>) ‑> Optional[glean._uniffi.glean.DistributionData]
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[DistributionData]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalTypeDistributionData.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_memorydistributionmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
class MemoryUnit (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class MemoryUnit(enum.Enum): BYTE = 0 KILOBYTE = 1 MEGABYTE = 2 GIGABYTE = 3
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var BYTE
class ObjectMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData, ty: Any)
This implements the developer facing API for recording events.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The event API only exposes the
method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced.Expand source code
class ObjectMetricType(Generic[T]): """ This implements the developer facing API for recording events. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The event API only exposes the `ObjectMetricType.set` method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced. """ def __init__( self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData, ty: Any, ): self._inner = ObjectMetric(common_metric_data) self._objty = ty def set(self, obj: T) -> None: """ Set the object. Args: extra: optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100. """ if isinstance(obj, self._objty): inner_obj = obj.into_serialized_object() self._inner.set_string(inner_obj) else: self._inner.record_schema_error() def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[dict]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events. """ data = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if data: return json.loads(data) return None def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
- typing.Generic
def set(self, obj: ~T) ‑> None
Set the object.
- optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100.
Expand source code
def set(self, obj: T) -> None: """ Set the object. Args: extra: optional. The extra keys and values for this event. The maximum length for values is 100. """ if isinstance(obj, self._objty): inner_obj = obj.into_serialized_object() self._inner.set_string(inner_obj) else: self._inner.record_schema_error()
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric.
- The type of error recorded.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type.
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[dict]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events.
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[dict]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (list of RecordedEventData): value of the stored events. """ data = self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) if data: return json.loads(data) return None
class ObjectSerialize
A class that can be converted into key-value pairs of event extras. This will be automatically implemented for event properties of an [ObjectMetricType].
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class ObjectSerialize: """ A class that can be converted into key-value pairs of event extras. This will be automatically implemented for event properties of an [ObjectMetricType]. """ def into_serialized_object(self) -> str: """ Convert the event extras into a key-value dict: """ return json.dumps(self, cls=EncodeObject)
def into_serialized_object(self) ‑> str
Convert the event extras into a key-value dict:
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def into_serialized_object(self) -> str: """ Convert the event extras into a key-value dict: """ return json.dumps(self, cls=EncodeObject)
class PingType (name: str, include_client_id: bool, send_if_empty: bool, precise_timestamps: bool, include_info_sections: bool, schedules_pings: List[str], reason_codes: List[str])
This implements the developer facing API for custom pings.
The Ping API only exposes the
method, which schedules a ping for eventual uploading.Expand source code
class PingType: def __init__( self, name: str, include_client_id: bool, send_if_empty: bool, precise_timestamps: bool, include_info_sections: bool, # enabled: bool, -- Not currently enabled for python bindings schedules_pings: List[str], reason_codes: List[str], ): """ This implements the developer facing API for custom pings. The Ping API only exposes the `PingType.submit` method, which schedules a ping for eventual uploading. """ self._reason_codes = reason_codes self._inner = GleanPingType( name, include_client_id, send_if_empty, precise_timestamps, include_info_sections, True, schedules_pings, reason_codes, ) self._test_callback = None # type: Optional[Callable[[Optional[str]], None]] def test_before_next_submit(self, cb: Callable[[Optional[str]], None]): """ **Test-only API** Attach a callback to be called right before a new ping is submitted. The provided function is called exactly once before submitting a ping. Note: The callback will be called on any call to submit. A ping might not be sent afterwards, e.g. if the ping is otherwise empty (and `send_if_empty` is `False`). """ self._test_callback = cb def submit(self, reason: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Collect and submit the ping for eventual uploading. If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be sent. Args: reason (enum, optional): The reason the ping was submitted. """ reason_string: Optional[str] = None if reason is not None: reason_string = self._reason_codes[reason] else: reason_string = None if self._test_callback is not None: self._test_callback(reason_string) self._test_callback = None self._inner.submit(reason_string)
def submit(self, reason: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None
Collect and submit the ping for eventual uploading.
If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be sent.
, optional- The reason the ping was submitted.
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def submit(self, reason: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Collect and submit the ping for eventual uploading. If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be sent. Args: reason (enum, optional): The reason the ping was submitted. """ reason_string: Optional[str] = None if reason is not None: reason_string = self._reason_codes[reason] else: reason_string = None if self._test_callback is not None: self._test_callback(reason_string) self._test_callback = None self._inner.submit(reason_string)
def test_before_next_submit(self, cb: Callable[[Optional[str]], None])
Test-only API
Attach a callback to be called right before a new ping is submitted. The provided function is called exactly once before submitting a ping.
Note: The callback will be called on any call to submit. A ping might not be sent afterwards, e.g. if the ping is otherwise empty (and
).Expand source code
def test_before_next_submit(self, cb: Callable[[Optional[str]], None]): """ **Test-only API** Attach a callback to be called right before a new ping is submitted. The provided function is called exactly once before submitting a ping. Note: The callback will be called on any call to submit. A ping might not be sent afterwards, e.g. if the ping is otherwise empty (and `send_if_empty` is `False`). """ self._test_callback = cb
class QuantityMetricType (meta: "'CommonMetricData'")
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class QuantityMetric: _pointer: ctypes.c_void_p def __init__(self, meta: "CommonMetricData"): _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.check_lower(meta) self._pointer = _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_constructor_quantitymetric_new, _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.lower(meta)) def __del__(self): # In case of partial initialization of instances. pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None) if pointer is not None: _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_free_quantitymetric, pointer) def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self): return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_clone_quantitymetric, self._pointer) # Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type. @classmethod def _make_instance_(cls, pointer): # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic # and just create a new instance with the required pointer. inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._pointer = pointer return inst def set(self, value: "int") -> None: _UniffiConverterInt64.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt64.lower(value)) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) ) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[int]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalInt64.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
def set(self, value: "'int'") ‑> None
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def set(self, value: "int") -> None: _UniffiConverterInt64.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterInt64.lower(value))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "'ErrorType'") ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) )
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, typing.Optional[str]]'" = <object object>) ‑> Optional[int]
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def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[int]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalInt64.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_quantitymetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
class RecordedEvent (*, timestamp: "'int'", category: "'str'", name: "'str'", extra: "'typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]'")
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class RecordedEvent: timestamp: "int" category: "str" name: "str" extra: "typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]" def __init__(self, *, timestamp: "int", category: "str", name: "str", extra: "typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]"): self.timestamp = timestamp self.category = category = name self.extra = extra def __str__(self): return "RecordedEvent(timestamp={}, category={}, name={}, extra={})".format(self.timestamp, self.category,, self.extra) def __eq__(self, other): if self.timestamp != other.timestamp: return False if self.category != other.category: return False if != return False if self.extra != other.extra: return False return True
Class variables
var category : str
var extra : Optional[dict[str, str]]
var name : str
var timestamp : int
class RecordedExperiment (*, branch: "'str'", extra: "'typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]'")
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class RecordedExperiment: branch: "str" extra: "typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]" def __init__(self, *, branch: "str", extra: "typing.Optional[dict[str, str]]"): self.branch = branch self.extra = extra def __str__(self): return "RecordedExperiment(branch={}, extra={})".format(self.branch, self.extra) def __eq__(self, other): if self.branch != other.branch: return False if self.extra != other.extra: return False return True
Class variables
var branch : str
var extra : Optional[dict[str, str]]
class StringListMetricType (meta: "'CommonMetricData'")
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class StringListMetric: _pointer: ctypes.c_void_p def __init__(self, meta: "CommonMetricData"): _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.check_lower(meta) self._pointer = _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_constructor_stringlistmetric_new, _UniffiConverterTypeCommonMetricData.lower(meta)) def __del__(self): # In case of partial initialization of instances. pointer = getattr(self, "_pointer", None) if pointer is not None: _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_free_stringlistmetric, pointer) def _uniffi_clone_pointer(self): return _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_clone_stringlistmetric, self._pointer) # Used by alternative constructors or any methods which return this type. @classmethod def _make_instance_(cls, pointer): # Lightly yucky way to bypass the usual __init__ logic # and just create a new instance with the required pointer. inst = cls.__new__(cls) inst._pointer = pointer return inst def add(self, value: "str") -> None: _UniffiConverterString.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_add,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterString.lower(value)) def set(self, value: "typing.List[str]") -> None: _UniffiConverterSequenceString.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterSequenceString.lower(value)) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) ) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalSequenceString.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
def add(self, value: "'str'") ‑> None
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def add(self, value: "str") -> None: _UniffiConverterString.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_add,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterString.lower(value))
def set(self, value: "'typing.List[str]'") ‑> None
Expand source code
def set(self, value: "typing.List[str]") -> None: _UniffiConverterSequenceString.check_lower(value) _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_set,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterSequenceString.lower(value))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "'ErrorType'") ‑> int
Expand source code
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error: "ErrorType") -> "int": _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.check_lower(error) return _UniffiConverterInt32.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_test_get_num_recorded_errors,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterTypeErrorType.lower(error)) )
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "'typing.Union[glean.metrics.object, typing.Optional[str]]'" = <object object>) ‑> Optional[List[str]]
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: "typing.Union[object, typing.Optional[str]]" = _DEFAULT) -> "typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]": if ping_name is _DEFAULT: ping_name = None _UniffiConverterOptionalString.check_lower(ping_name) return _UniffiConverterOptionalSequenceString.lift( _uniffi_rust_call(_UniffiLib.uniffi_glean_core_fn_method_stringlistmetric_test_get_value,self._uniffi_clone_pointer(), _UniffiConverterOptionalString.lower(ping_name)) )
class StringMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData)
This implements the developer facing API for recording string metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The string API only exposes the
method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced.Expand source code
class StringMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording string metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The string API only exposes the `StringMetricType.set` method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced. """ def __init__(self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData): self._inner = StringMetric(common_metric_data) def set(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set a string value. Args: value (str): This is a user-defined string value. If the length of the string exceeds the maximum length, it will be truncated. """ if value is None: return self._inner.set(value) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def set(self, value: str) ‑> None
Set a string value.
- This is a user-defined string value. If the length of the string exceeds the maximum length, it will be truncated.
Expand source code
def set(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set a string value. Args: value (str): This is a user-defined string value. If the length of the string exceeds the maximum length, it will be truncated. """ if value is None: return self._inner.set(value)
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
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def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[str]
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name)
class TimeUnit (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
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class TimeUnit(enum.Enum): NANOSECOND = 0 MICROSECOND = 1 MILLISECOND = 2 SECOND = 3 MINUTE = 4 HOUR = 5 DAY = 6
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var DAY
var HOUR
class TimerId (*, id: "'int'")
Expand source code
class TimerId: id: "int" def __init__(self, *, id: "int"): = id def __str__(self): return "TimerId(id={})".format( def __eq__(self, other): if != return False return True
Class variables
var id : int
class TimespanMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData, time_unit: glean._uniffi.glean.TimeUnit)
This implements the developer facing API for recording timespan metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The timespan API exposes the
methods.Expand source code
class TimespanMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording timespan metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The timespan API exposes the `TimespanMetricType.start`, `TimespanMetricType.stop` and `TimespanMetricType.cancel` methods. """ def __init__( self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData, time_unit: TimeUnit, ): self._inner = TimespanMetric(common_metric_data, time_unit) def start(self) -> None: """ Start tracking time for the provided metric. This records an error if it’s already tracking time (i.e. `start` was already called with no corresponding `stop`): in that case the original start time will be preserved. """ self._inner.start() def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop tracking time for the provided metric. Sets the metric to the elapsed time, but does not overwrite an already existing value. This will record an error if no `start` was called or there is an already existing value. """ self._inner.stop() def cancel(self) -> None: """ Abort a previous `start` call. No error is recorded if no `start` was called. """ self._inner.cancel() class _TimespanContextManager: """ A context manager for recording timings. Used by the `measure` method. """ def __init__(self, timespan: "TimespanMetricType"): self._timespan = timespan def __enter__(self) -> None: self._timespan.start() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb) -> None: if tb is None: self._timespan.stop() else: self._timespan.cancel() def measure(self) -> "_TimespanContextManager": """ Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a `with` statement. If the contents of the `with` statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded. Usage: with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # ... do something that takes time ... """ return self._TimespanContextManager(self) def set_raw_nanos(self, elapsed_nanos: int) -> None: """ Explicitly set the timespan value, in nanoseconds. This API should only be used if your library or application requires recording times in a way that can not make use of [start]/[stop]/[cancel]. [setRawNanos] does not overwrite a running timer or an already existing value. Args: elapsed_nanos (int): The elapsed time to record, in nanoseconds. """ self._inner.set_raw_nanos(elapsed_nanos) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (bool): value of the stored metric. """ return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def cancel(self) ‑> None
Abort a previous
call. No error is recorded if nostart
was called.Expand source code
def cancel(self) -> None: """ Abort a previous `start` call. No error is recorded if no `start` was called. """ self._inner.cancel()
def measure(self) ‑> _TimespanContextManager
Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a
statement.If the contents of the
statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded.Usage
with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # … do something that takes time …
Expand source code
def measure(self) -> "_TimespanContextManager": """ Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a `with` statement. If the contents of the `with` statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded. Usage: with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # ... do something that takes time ... """ return self._TimespanContextManager(self)
def set_raw_nanos(self, elapsed_nanos: int) ‑> None
Explicitly set the timespan value, in nanoseconds.
This API should only be used if your library or application requires recording times in a way that can not make use of [start]/[stop]/[cancel].
[setRawNanos] does not overwrite a running timer or an already existing value.
- The elapsed time to record, in nanoseconds.
Expand source code
def set_raw_nanos(self, elapsed_nanos: int) -> None: """ Explicitly set the timespan value, in nanoseconds. This API should only be used if your library or application requires recording times in a way that can not make use of [start]/[stop]/[cancel]. [setRawNanos] does not overwrite a running timer or an already existing value. Args: elapsed_nanos (int): The elapsed time to record, in nanoseconds. """ self._inner.set_raw_nanos(elapsed_nanos)
def start(self) ‑> None
Start tracking time for the provided metric.
This records an error if it’s already tracking time (i.e.
was already called with no correspondingstop
): in that case the original start time will be preserved.Expand source code
def start(self) -> None: """ Start tracking time for the provided metric. This records an error if it’s already tracking time (i.e. `start` was already called with no corresponding `stop`): in that case the original start time will be preserved. """ self._inner.start()
def stop(self) ‑> None
Stop tracking time for the provided metric.
Sets the metric to the elapsed time, but does not overwrite an already existing value. This will record an error if no
was called or there is an already existing value.Expand source code
def stop(self) -> None: """ Stop tracking time for the provided metric. Sets the metric to the elapsed time, but does not overwrite an already existing value. This will record an error if no `start` was called or there is an already existing value. """ self._inner.stop()
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric.
- The type of error recorded.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type.
Expand source code
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[int]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (bool): value of the stored metric.
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (bool): value of the stored metric. """ return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name)
class TimingDistributionMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData, time_unit: glean._uniffi.glean.TimeUnit)
This implements the developer facing API for recording timing distribution metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.Expand source code
class TimingDistributionMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording timing distribution metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. """ def __init__( self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData, time_unit: TimeUnit, ): self._inner = TimingDistributionMetric(common_metric_data, time_unit) def start(self) -> TimerId: """ Start tracking time for the provided metric. Multiple timers can run simultaneously. Returns: timer_id: The object to associate with this timing. """ return self._inner.start() def stop_and_accumulate(self, timer_id: TimerId) -> None: """ Stop tracking time for the provided metric and associated timer id. Add a count to the corresponding bucket in the timing distribution. This will record an error if no `start` was called. Args: timer_id: The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timespan metric. """ self._inner.stop_and_accumulate(timer_id) def cancel(self, timer_id: TimerId) -> None: """ Abort a previous `start` call. No error is recorded if no `start` was called. Args: timer_id: The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timing distribution metric. """ self._inner.cancel(timer_id) def accumulate_samples(self, samples: list) -> None: """ Accumulates the provided samples in the metric. Args: samples: The list holding the samples to be recorded by the metric. """ self._inner.accumulate_samples(samples) def accumulate_single_sample(self, sample: int) -> None: """ Accumulates a single sample and appends it to the metric. Args: sample: The single sample to be recorded by the metric. """ self._inner.accumulate_single_sample(sample) class _TimingDistributionContextManager: """ A context manager for recording timings. Used by the `measure` method. """ def __init__(self, timing_distribution: "TimingDistributionMetricType"): self._timing_distribution = timing_distribution def __enter__(self) -> None: self._timer_id = self._timing_distribution.start() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb) -> None: if tb is None: self._timing_distribution.stop_and_accumulate(self._timer_id) else: self._timing_distribution.cancel(self._timer_id) def measure(self) -> "_TimingDistributionContextManager": """ Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a `with` statement. If the contents of the `with` statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded. Usage: with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # ... do something that takes time ... """ return self._TimingDistributionContextManager(self) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[DistributionData]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (DistriubutionData): value of the stored metric. """ return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def accumulate_samples(self, samples: list) ‑> None
Accumulates the provided samples in the metric.
- The list holding the samples to be recorded by the metric.
Expand source code
def accumulate_samples(self, samples: list) -> None: """ Accumulates the provided samples in the metric. Args: samples: The list holding the samples to be recorded by the metric. """ self._inner.accumulate_samples(samples)
def accumulate_single_sample(self, sample: int) ‑> None
Accumulates a single sample and appends it to the metric.
- The single sample to be recorded by the metric.
Expand source code
def accumulate_single_sample(self, sample: int) -> None: """ Accumulates a single sample and appends it to the metric. Args: sample: The single sample to be recorded by the metric. """ self._inner.accumulate_single_sample(sample)
def cancel(self, timer_id: glean._uniffi.glean.TimerId) ‑> None
Abort a previous
call. No error is recorded if nostart
was called.Args
- The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timing distribution metric.
Expand source code
def cancel(self, timer_id: TimerId) -> None: """ Abort a previous `start` call. No error is recorded if no `start` was called. Args: timer_id: The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timing distribution metric. """ self._inner.cancel(timer_id)
def measure(self) ‑> _TimingDistributionContextManager
Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a
statement.If the contents of the
statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded.Usage
with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # … do something that takes time …
Expand source code
def measure(self) -> "_TimingDistributionContextManager": """ Provides a context manager for measuring the time it takes to execute snippets of code in a `with` statement. If the contents of the `with` statement raise an exception, the timing is not recorded. Usage: with metrics.perf.timer.measure(): # ... do something that takes time ... """ return self._TimingDistributionContextManager(self)
def start(self) ‑> glean._uniffi.glean.TimerId
Start tracking time for the provided metric. Multiple timers can run simultaneously.
- The object to associate with this timing.
Expand source code
def start(self) -> TimerId: """ Start tracking time for the provided metric. Multiple timers can run simultaneously. Returns: timer_id: The object to associate with this timing. """ return self._inner.start()
def stop_and_accumulate(self, timer_id: glean._uniffi.glean.TimerId) ‑> None
Stop tracking time for the provided metric and associated timer id. Add a count to the corresponding bucket in the timing distribution. This will record an error if no
was called.Args
- The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timespan metric.
Expand source code
def stop_and_accumulate(self, timer_id: TimerId) -> None: """ Stop tracking time for the provided metric and associated timer id. Add a count to the corresponding bucket in the timing distribution. This will record an error if no `start` was called. Args: timer_id: The timer id associated with this timing. This allows for concurrent timing of events associated with different ids to the same timespan metric. """ self._inner.stop_and_accumulate(timer_id)
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric.
- The type of error recorded.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type.
Expand source code
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: """ Returns the number of errors recorded for the given metric. Args: error_type (ErrorType): The type of error recorded. ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: num_errors (int): The number of errors recorded for the metric for the given error type. """ return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[glean._uniffi.glean.DistributionData]
Returns the stored value for testing purposes only.
- (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for.
value (DistriubutionData): value of the stored metric.
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[DistributionData]: """ Returns the stored value for testing purposes only. Args: ping_name (str): (default: first value in send_in_pings) The name of the ping to retrieve the metric for. Returns: value (DistriubutionData): value of the stored metric. """ return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name)
class UrlMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData)
This implements the developer facing API for recording URL metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The url API only exposes the
method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced. See source code
class UrlMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording URL metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The url API only exposes the `UrlMetricType.set` method, which takes care of validating the input data and making sure that limits are enforced. See """ def __init__(self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData): self._inner = UrlMetric(common_metric_data) def set(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set a URL value. Args: value (str): This is a user-defined URL value. If the length of the URL exceeds the maximum length, it will not be recorded. """ if value is None: return self._inner.set(value) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name) def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def set(self, value: str) ‑> None
Set a URL value.
- This is a user-defined URL value. If the length of the URL exceeds the maximum length, it will not be recorded.
Expand source code
def set(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set a URL value. Args: value (str): This is a user-defined URL value. If the length of the URL exceeds the maximum length, it will not be recorded. """ if value is None: return self._inner.set(value)
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Expand source code
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[str]
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: return self._inner.test_get_value(ping_name)
class UuidMetricType (common_metric_data: glean._uniffi.glean.CommonMetricData)
This implements the developer facing API for recording UUID metrics.
Instances of this class type are automatically generated by
, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file.The UUID API exposes the
methods.Expand source code
class UuidMetricType: """ This implements the developer facing API for recording UUID metrics. Instances of this class type are automatically generated by `glean.load_metrics`, allowing developers to record values that were previously registered in the metrics.yaml file. The UUID API exposes the `UuidMetricType.generate_and_set` and `UuidMetricType.set` methods. """ def __init__(self, common_metric_data: CommonMetricData): self._inner = UuidMetric(common_metric_data) def generate_and_set(self) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: """ Generate a new UUID value and set it in the metric store. """ id = self._inner.generate_and_set() return uuid.UUID("urn:uuid:" + id) def set(self, value: Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> None: """ Explicitly set an existing UUID value. Args: value (uuid.UUID): A valid UUID to set the metric to. """ self._inner.set(str(value)) def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: id = self._inner.test_get_value() if id: return uuid.UUID("urn:uuid:" + id) else: return None def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def generate_and_set(self) ‑> Optional[uuid.UUID]
Generate a new UUID value and set it in the metric store.
Expand source code
def generate_and_set(self) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: """ Generate a new UUID value and set it in the metric store. """ id = self._inner.generate_and_set() return uuid.UUID("urn:uuid:" + id)
def set(self, value: Union[uuid.UUID, str]) ‑> None
Explicitly set an existing UUID value.
- A valid UUID to set the metric to.
Expand source code
def set(self, value: Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> None: """ Explicitly set an existing UUID value. Args: value (uuid.UUID): A valid UUID to set the metric to. """ self._inner.set(str(value))
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: glean._uniffi.glean.ErrorType) ‑> int
Expand source code
def test_get_num_recorded_errors(self, error_type: ErrorType) -> int: return self._inner.test_get_num_recorded_errors(error_type)
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Optional[uuid.UUID]
Expand source code
def test_get_value(self, ping_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: id = self._inner.test_get_value() if id: return uuid.UUID("urn:uuid:" + id) else: return None