MozMEAO SRE Status Report - June 20, 2017

Here’s what happened on the MozMEAO SRE team from June 13th - June 20th.

Current work

Static site hosting

  • The irlpodcast site now has a staging environment also hosted in S3 with CloudFront. Additionally, Jenkins has been updated to deploy to staging and production via git push.

  • We’re going to move from Kubernetes to S3 and CloudFront hosting. Production and staging environments have been provisioned, but we’ll need to update Jenkins to push changes to these new environments.

Basket move to Kubernetes

Kubernetes (general)

Our DataDog, New Relic and MIG DaemonSets have been configured to use Kubernetes tolerations to schedule pods on master nodes. This allows us to capture metrics from K8s master nodes in additional to worker nodes.

Frankfurt Kubernetes cluster provisioning

Work continues to enable our apps in the new Frankfurt Kubernetes cluster. In addition, we’re working on automating our app installs as must as possible.


  • ElasticSearch will be upgraded to 2.4 in SCL3 production, June 21 11 AM PST

  • We may reconsider self-hosting ElasticSearch.