MozMEAO SRE Status Report - October 3, 2017

Here’s what happened on the MozMEAO SRE team from September 26th - October 3rd.

Current work

MDN Migration to AWS

We’ve successfully completed a series of tests against MDN hosted in AWS, but we have a few more to complete before moving to AWS.


  • A successful MDN maintenance mode test was performed on Tuesday October 3rd 2017, at 2pm eastern / 11 pacific.

Migration work

  • Restrict URLs for untrusted (files / samples) and CDN domains. PR 529

  • New Relic support has been added to the MDN Kubernetes deployments in these PRs: 549, 548, 547, 542

  • MDN K8s crontasks have been updated to change the process user:group to kuma, add Deadmanssnitch support, and some optimizations to prevent aws s3 sync from timing out. PR 533

  • Unused MDN S3 buckets have been deleted, with some manual cleanup due to versioning enabled on the buckets. PR 531

Upcoming Portland Deis 1 cluster decommissioning

Applications are being moved off Deis 1 to support decommissioning the Deis 1 cluster in Portland.