Encuentro de activistas de lenguas indígenas de Perú


Initiative Other

Category Localization

URL https://rising.globalvoices.org/lenguas/encuentros...

Hashtag #ActivismoLesnguasPE

Description Global Voices in partnership with the Institute Bartolomé de las Casas, the Ministry of Culture, the Decentralized Cultural Department of Cusco, Mozilla Native and the Living Tongues Institute, with support from Hivos have created an event to review and talk about Peru Native projects, Digital media, digital contents "Encuentro de Activistas Digitales de Lenguas Indígenas de Perú" 11th, 12th and 13th december 2015.

Venue Avenida Tullumayo 465, Cusco, Peru

City San Sebastián

Area Cusco

Country or Region Peru

How will the event help push the Mozilla project forward? The attendees of this event are from local native communities throughout Peruvian country. Although the attendees are limited to 30 people for the effectiveness of the event, but most of them who will come are the leader of the communities.

In this event, we will be in charge of the localization area within the meeting. We will have lectures, workshops and spaces to advance the string translation in native languages. Submit to the Mozilla Foundation, our mission, projects and tools, promote about how to engage with Mozilla by communities, and sharing other thoughts that possible. I'm hoping that more people will understand about Mozilla projects.