International Firefox Translation/Localization Sprint

OCT 2013

Category Localization

Description Mozilla Utah will be putting on an international tranlation sprint for speakers of any language. The primary goal is to complete the es-MX Firefox desktop l10n work. We'll also focuss on other languages in Utah and have them translate their first strings or support articles. Those from Mozilla Utah will be one location and will work with l10n teams who have languages represented amongst us on IRC and Skype.

Venue 2420 Wilkinson Student Center, BYU Campus

City Provo

Area Utah

Country or Region United States

Schedule: 5:00 PM - Dinner and intro to Mozilla, Mozilla Utah, and l10n for newcomers 5:30 PM - Tutorial on localizing with Pootle 6:00 PM - Intro/Welcome to L10n teams around the world 6:15-8:00 PM - Dive into localizing Firefox strings into es-MX, Finnish, Thai, and Japanese.