L10n - 2017 Asuncion Workshop


Initiative Other

Category Localization

URL https://wiki.mozilla.org/L10n:Meetings/2017_Asunci...

Hashtag #mozl10nASU

Description Core focus: * Rebuilding communities * Evangelizing localized products * Quality * Training on tooling changes

Venue Universidad Nacional de Asunción

City Asunción

Area Asunción

Country or Region Paraguay


The l10n-drivers will coordinate among l10n communities to identify common goals and split up time into breakout sessions. Otherwise, we will only need a few hours in the first morning to accomplish our own goals (give Mozilla org updates, roadmap updates, l10n program updates, etc.).

The content and goals for the afternoons and the second morning are entirely open for the communities to fill with what they feel is most worthy of their time.

5 attending, including...