Localization Hackathon@ WFS India
Category Diversity and Inclusion, Localization
URL http://wfs-india.github.io/
Hashtag @WFSindia, #wfsindia, #localizationhack, #cfdindia
Description The wfs-india and cultural freedom day is going to host Localization Hackathon on 20th may, 2013 on #wfs-india channel on http://webchat.freenode.net server for the promotion of women in free and open source world. Anybody who wants to get a quick start in localization and having no programming experience can attend it. After that start contributing to open source and make your self feel proud.
4 attending, including...
chandan kumar
Biraj Karmakar
Rep attendee
Priyanka Nag
Alumni attendee
Jayakumar Sadhasivam
Alumni attendee