MOSSCon 2013


Category Code Contributions, Developer Tools, People, Recruiting, Security, Systems Administration, Web Development

Hashtag #MOSSCon13

Description MOSSCon (Midwest Open Source Software Conference) is the first conference about Free and Open Source Software to be held in Louisville, Kentucky.

Venue University of Louisville

City Louisville

Area Kentucky

Country or Region United States

  • What?

The conference intends to bring together each year a regional audience of developers, users, thought-leaders and providers to network, learn, and share the common interests on Open Source Software through a combination of tracks, workshops, and keynotes.

  • Why?

Considering that MOSSCon is the first conference of its kind in the state of Kentucky, we are interested in making the conference an annual event that gathers each year a regional audience that will be meeting international, national, and local professionals and academics who will present the latest developments in the global FLOSS community, raise awareness of Open Source Software in the region, to people of any level of knowledge on technology.

  • Who?

MOSSCon is organized by KYOSS (Kentucky Open Source Software Society) and a group of enthusiasts who share the same vision that the software should be Free and Open to the community to develop and adapt it to their needs.

  • Mozilla?

We made sure to have some Mozilla awesomeness at MOSSCon.

-- There will be a Session covered by Curtis Koenig (MoCo).

Topic: Security in the Open

Description: What's it like to do security on a daily basis where just about everything you do is open to the public?

How does the Mozilla bug bounty program work?

How can I get involved with Mozilla to work on security ""stuff""?

Mozilla has a long history of an open security team including one of the first bug bounty programs. There are many lessons to be learned that can be applied to other projects of an open nature and best practices to be shared.

-- A Mozilla booth table run by Alex Hagerman - Lots of swag and few FirefoxOS demos (flashed phones)

-- A small Workshop on FirefoxOS and Web developing tools in Firefox.

1 attending, including...