OSCAL 2014 | Open Source Conference Albania


Category Addons, Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Diversity and Inclusion, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Localization, Mozilla Leadership Network, People, Recruiting, Thunderbird

URL http://oscal.openlabs.cc/

Hashtag #OSCAL2014

Description OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) 2014 is an international annual conference in Albania organized to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge in Albania. It will take place at 3 May 2014 & 4 May 2014 in Tirana and will gather free libre open source technology users, developers, academics, governmental agencies & people who share the idea that software should be free and open for the local community & government to develop and customize to its needs

Venue Freedom Hall

City Tirana

Area Tirana

Country or Region Albania

Call for speakers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xcxkM6LtkCYoKrAD153hUn5AgcNqf1J0UZJtkKz7MJY/viewform

6 attending, including...