Mozilla Webmaker bn-IN Translation Sprint


Category Localization, Mozilla Leadership Network


Hashtag #bnINWebmakerL10nSprint #WebmakerL10n #bnINL10n

Description This is an online Translation Sprint to complete as much translations as possible for the Webmaker Porject on Transifex.

Venue Online

City Kolkata

Area West Bengal

Country or Region India

The Goal for the event is to complete as much translations for bn-IN as possible by then and ultimately reach that coveted 100% translation status for the Webmaker project.

Ideally we would like to complete translations for the high priority modules first (i.e. and Web Literacy Standard) followed by the Webmaker Tools (Popcorn, Thimble and Goggles) followed by the Webmaker profile module.

Checkout the etherpad for all updates regarding the event:

6 attending, including...