Color Palette
Main colors
Our main brand colors are black and white. This illustrates our gutsy personality and provides a bold aesthetic to our brand.
Secondary colors
Our secondary palette is made up of 9 colors — 6 pastels and 3 neons. These colors are used interchangeably to provide contrast and brightness to our bold black and white main color scheme.
rgb(78, 181, 230)
hsl(199, 75, 60)
C61% M11% Y1% K0%
rgb(255, 131, 133)
hsl(359, 100, 76)
C0% M62% Y35% K0%
rgb(255, 237, 0)
hsl(56, 100, 50)
C3% M1% Y97% K0%
rgb(176, 178, 233)
hsl(238, 56, 80)
C29% M27% Y0% K0%
rgb(250, 186, 0)
hsl(45, 100, 49)
C2% M29% Y100% K0%
rgb(182, 216, 6)
hsl(70, 95, 44)
C34% M0% Y100% K0%
Neon blue
rgb(0, 255, 255)
hsl(180, 100, 50)
Neon pink
rgb(250, 140, 255)
hsl(297, 100, 77)
Neon green
rgb(171, 255, 16)
hsl(81, 100, 53)