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Interfaces, Objects and Traits

Interfaces can have constructors and have methods. In Rust, they are represented as impl blocks. In the Kotlin or Swift world, they are a class, so they are often known as "Objects"

Interfaces are passed by reference so can not have data items - unlike a Record or Enum, which are passed by value so only have data fields and no methods.

Interfaces must be exposed via UDL or proc-macros

struct TodoList {
    items: RwLock<Vec<String>>

impl TodoList {
    fn new() -> Self {
        TodoList {
            items: RwLock::new(Vec::new())

    fn add_item(&self, todo: String) {

    fn get_items(&self) -> Vec<String> {

These interface objects are live Rust structs behind an Arc<> that have a proxy object on the foreign language side; calling any methods on them, including a constructor results in the corresponding methods being called in Rust.

UniFFI will generate these proxies with an interface or protocol to help with testing in the foreign-language code. For example in Kotlin, the TodoList would generate:

interface TodoListInterface {
    fun addItem(todo: String)
    fun getItems(): List<String>

class TodoList : TodoListInterface {
   // implementations to call the Rust code.

When working with these objects, it may be helpful to always pass the interface or protocol, but construct the concrete implementation. For example in Swift:

let todoList = TodoList()
todoList.addItem(todo: "Write documentation")
display(list: todoList)

func display(list: TodoListProtocol) {
    let items = list.getItems()
    items.forEach {

Following this pattern will make it easier for you to provide mock implementation of the Rust-based objects for testing.


Interfaces can have one or more constructors. They must have a constructor to be directly created from foreign bindings.

TodoList has a new() method. This can be exposed via UDL with constructor, or via proc-macros with a #[uniffi::constructor] attribute.

Along with a default constructor, an interface can have named constructors, implemented as static functions.

Constructors: * may omit or include the outer Arc<> - eg, we could have written fn new() -> Arc<Self> * can return a Result<> * can be async, although foreign language constraints means support for async primary constructors is patchy.


The foreign bindings will typically generate destructors, but regardless of the foreign semantics, they always hold an Arc<> to the Rust object, so these destructors will only drop their reference and may not drop the Rust object.

Exposing Traits as interfaces

It's possible to have UniFFI expose a Rust trait as an interface.

pub trait Button: Send + Sync {
    fn name(&self) -> String;

struct StopButton {}

impl Button for StopButton  {
    fn name(&self) -> String {

Note UDL requires a Trait attribute; proc-macros #[uniffi::export] the trait declaration.

Uniffi enforces all interfaces are Send + Sync, meaning exported traits need to be explicitly bound.

References to traits are passed around like normal interface objects - in an Arc<>. For example, your Rust would have these signatures:

fn get_buttons() -> Vec<Arc<dyn Button>> { ... }
fn press(button: Arc<dyn Button>) -> Arc<dyn Button> { ... }

Foreign implementations

It's possible in both UDL (via a [Foreign] attribute) and proc-macros (via #[uniffi::export(with_foreign)]) to declare the trait can also be implemented on the foreign side passed into Rust, for example:

class PyButton(uniffi_module.Button):
    def name(self):
        return "PyButton"

Note: This is currently only supported on Python, Kotlin, and Swift.

Traits example

See the "traits" example for more.

Exposing methods from standard Rust traits

Rust has a number of general purpose traits which add functionality to objects, such as Debug, Display, etc. It's possible to tell UniFFI that your object implements these traits and to generate FFI functions to expose them to consumers. Bindings may then optionally generate special methods on the object.

For example, consider the following example:

interface TodoList {
and the following Rust code:
struct TodoList {
(or using proc-macros)
#[derive(Debug, uniffi::Object)]
struct TodoList {

This will cause the Python bindings to generate a __repr__ method that returns the value implemented by the Debug trait. Not all bindings support generating special methods, so they may be ignored. It is your responsibility to implement the trait on your objects; UniFFI will attempt to generate a meaningful error if you do not.

The list of supported traits is hard-coded in UniFFI's internals, and at time of writing is Debug, Display, Eq and Hash.

Managing Shared References

To the foreign-language consumer, UniFFI object instances are designed to behave as much like regular language objects as possible. They can be freely passed as arguments or returned as values, like this:

interface TodoList {

    // Copy the items from another TodoList into this one.
    void import_items(TodoList other);

    // Make a copy of this TodoList as a new instance.
    TodoList duplicate();

    // Create a list of lists, one for each item this one
    sequence<TodoList> split();

To ensure that this is safe, UniFFI allocates every object instance on the heap using Arc, Rust's built-in smart pointer type for managing shared references at runtime.

The use of Arc is transparent to the foreign-language code, but sometimes shows up in the function signatures of the underlying Rust code.

When returning interface objects, UniFFI supports both Rust functions that wrap the value in an Arc<> and ones that don't. This only applies if the interface type is returned directly:

impl TodoList {
    // When the foreign function/method returns `TodoList`, the Rust code can return either `TodoList` or `Arc<TodoList>`.
    fn duplicate(&self) -> TodoList {
        TodoList {
            items: RwLock::new(

    // However, if TodoList is nested inside another type then `Arc<TodoList>` is required
    fn split(&self) -> Vec<Arc<TodoList>> {
            .map(|i| Arc::new(TodoList::from_item(i.clone()))

By default, object instances passed as function arguments will also be passed as an Arc<T>, so the Rust implementation of TodoList::import_items would also need to accept an Arc<TodoList>:

impl TodoList {
    fn import_items(&self, other: Arc<TodoList>) {

If the Rust code does not need an owned reference to the Arc, you can use the [ByRef] UDL attribute to signal that a function accepts a borrowed reference:

interface TodoList {
    //                  +-- indicate that we only need to borrow the other list
    //                  V
    void import_items([ByRef] TodoList other);
impl TodoList {
    //                              +-- don't need to care about the `Arc` here
    //                              V
    fn import_items(&self, other: &TodoList) {

Conversely, if the Rust code explicitly wants to deal with an Arc<T> in the special case of the self parameter, it can signal this using the [Self=ByArc] UDL attribute on the method:

interface TodoList {
    // +-- indicate that we want the `Arc` containing `self`
    // V
    void import_items(TodoList other);
impl TodoList {
    // `Arc`s everywhere! --+-----------------+
    //                      V                 V
    fn import_items(self: Arc<Self>, other: Arc<TodoList>) {

You can read more about the technical details in the docs on the internal details of managing object references.

Concurrent Access

Since interfaces represent mutable data, UniFFI has to take extra care to uphold Rust's safety guarantees around shared and mutable references. The foreign-language code may attempt to operate on an interface instance from multiple threads, and it's important that this not violate Rust's assumption that there is at most a single mutable reference to a struct at any point in time.

UniFFI enforces this by requiring that the Rust implementation of an interface be Sync+Send, and you will get a compile-time error if your implementation does not satisfy this requirement. For example, consider a small "counter" object declared like so:

interface Counter {
    void increment();
    u64 get();

For this to be safe, the underlying Rust struct must adhere to certain restrictions, and UniFFI's generated Rust scaffolding will emit compile-time errors if it does not.

The Rust struct must not expose any methods that take &mut self. The following implementation of the Counter interface will fail to compile because it relies on mutable references:

struct Counter {
    value: u64

impl Counter {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { value: 0 }

    // No mutable references to self allowed in UniFFI interfaces.
    fn increment(&mut self) {
        self.value = self.value + 1;

    fn get(&self) -> u64 {

Implementations can instead use Rust's "interior mutability" pattern. However, they must do so in a way that is both Sync and Send, since the foreign-language code may operate on the instance from multiple threads. The following implementation of the Counter interface will fail to compile because RefCell is not Sync:

struct Counter {
    value: RefCell<u64>

impl Counter {
    fn new() -> Self {
        // `RefCell` is not `Sync`, so neither is `Counter`.
        Self { value: RefCell::new(0) }

    fn increment(&self) {
        let mut value = self.value.borrow_mut();
        *value = *value + 1;

    fn get(&self) -> u64 {

This version uses an AtomicU64 for interior mutability, which is both Sync and Send and hence will compile successfully:

struct Counter {
    value: AtomicU64

impl Counter {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { value: AtomicU64::new(0) }

    fn increment(&self) {
        self.value.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);

    fn get(&self) -> u64 {

You can read more about the technical details in the docs on the internal details of managing object references.