This part of the code of conduct indicates who the policy impacts, and under which situations. It should be specific enough to address most questions about whether something is happening within or outside of community governance.

Examples (acceptable)

The enforcement policies listed above apply to all official Rust venues; including official IRC channels (#rust, #rust-internals, #rust-tools, #rust-libs, #rustc, #rust-beginners, #rust-docs, #rust-community, #rust-lang, and #cargo); GitHub repositories under rust-lang, rust-lang-nursery, and rust-lang-deprecated; and all forums under (,[^11]

This code of conduct applies to all spaces managed by the Django project or Django Software Foundation. This includes IRC, the mailing lists, the issue tracker, DSF events, and any other forums created by the project team which the community uses for communication. In addition, violations of this code outside these spaces may affect a person’s ability to participate within them.[^12]


Policy scope should include normal activities of project contribution or leadership, including contexts outside the community where a person is representing the project as a whole. This may include:

  • commit messages
  • bug trackers
  • IRC channels (listed by name)
  • Email
  • in-person events
  • social media
  • events

Also encouraged, is the following:

  • CoC states that leaders/maintainers are held to the same standard as other contributors.
  • CoC clearly defines all who interact with the project, including employee, and volunteer participants, as well as sponsors or other partner organizations.

Red flags

  • Any policy that explicitly leaves out obvious areas of participation, like exempting a particular IRC channel or email list, or that defines a less-stringent standard for some contributors. i.e. This code of conduct does not apply to the core team mailing list.

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