Struct glean_core::Glean

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pub struct Glean { /* private fields */ }
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The object holding meta information about a Glean instance.


Create a new Glean instance, register a ping, record a simple counter and then send the final ping.

let cfg = InternalConfiguration {
    data_path: "/tmp/glean".into(),
    application_id: "".into(),
    language_binding_name: "Rust".into(),
    upload_enabled: true,
    max_events: None,
    delay_ping_lifetime_io: false,
    app_build: "".into(),
    use_core_mps: false,
    trim_data_to_registered_pings: false,
    log_level: None,
    rate_limit: None,
    enable_event_timestamps: true,
    experimentation_id: None,
    enable_internal_pings: true,
    ping_schedule: Default::default(),
let mut glean = Glean::new(cfg).unwrap();
let ping = PingType::new("sample", true, false, true, true, true, vec![], vec![]);

let call_counter: CounterMetric = CounterMetric::new(CommonMetricData {
    name: "calls".into(),
    category: "local".into(),
    send_in_pings: vec!["sample".into()],

call_counter.add_sync(&glean, 1);

ping.submit_sync(&glean, None);


In specific language bindings, this is usually wrapped in a singleton and all metric recording goes to a single instance of this object. In the Rust core, it is possible to create multiple instances, which is used in testing.


Creates and initializes a new Glean object for use in a subprocess.

Importantly, this will not send any pings at startup, since that sort of management should only happen in the main process.

Creates and initializes a new Glean object.

This will create the necessary directories and files in cfg.data_path. This will also initialize the core metrics.

Destroys the database.

After this Glean needs to be reinitialized.

Signals that the environment is ready to submit pings.

Should be called when Glean is initialized to the point where it can correctly assemble pings. Usually called from the language binding after all of the core metrics have been set and the ping types have been registered.

  • trim_data_to_registered_pings - Whether we should limit to storing data only for data belonging to pings previously registered via register_ping_type.

Whether the “events” ping was submitted.

Sets whether upload is enabled or not.

When uploading is disabled, metrics aren’t recorded at all and no data is uploaded.

When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.

When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.

If the value of this flag is not actually changed, this is a no-op.

  • flag - When true, enable metric collection.

Whether the flag was different from the current value, and actual work was done to clear or reinstate metrics.

Determines whether upload is enabled.

When upload is disabled, no data will be recorded.

Gets the application ID as specified on instantiation.

Gets the data path of this instance.

Gets a handle to the database.

Gets an optional handle to the database.

Gets a handle to the event database.

Gets the maximum number of events to store before sending a ping.

Gets the next task for an uploader.

This can be one of:

  • Wait - which means the requester should ask again later;
  • Upload(PingRequest) - which means there is a ping to upload. This wraps the actual request object;
  • Done - which means requester should stop asking for now.

A PingUploadTask representing the next task.

Processes the response from an attempt to upload a ping.

  • uuid - The UUID of the ping in question.
  • status - The upload result.

Takes a snapshot for the given store and optionally clear it.

  • store_name - The store to snapshot.
  • clear_store - Whether to clear the store after snapshotting.

The snapshot in a string encoded as JSON. If the snapshot is empty, returns an empty string.

Collects and submits a ping by name for eventual uploading.

The ping content is assembled as soon as possible, but upload is not guaranteed to happen immediately, as that depends on the upload policies.

If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be sent, unless it is configured to be sent if empty.

  • ping_name - The name of the ping to submit
  • reason - A reason code to include in the ping

Whether the ping was succesfully assembled and queued.


If collecting or writing the ping to disk failed.

Gets a PingType by name.


The PingType of a ping if the given name was registered before, None otherwise.

Register a new PingType.

Indicates that an experiment is running.

Glean will then add an experiment annotation to the environment which is sent with pings. This information is not persisted between runs.

  • experiment_id - The id of the active experiment (maximum 30 bytes).
  • branch - The experiment branch (maximum 30 bytes).
  • extra - Optional metadata to output with the ping.

Indicates that an experiment is no longer running.

  • experiment_id - The id of the active experiment to deactivate (maximum 30 bytes).

Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).

Gets stored data for the requested experiment.

  • experiment_id - The id of the active experiment (maximum 30 bytes).

Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).

Gets stored experimentation id annotation.

Set configuration to override the default state, typically initiated from a remote_settings experiment or rollout

  • cfg - The stringified JSON representation of a RemoteSettingsConfig object

Persists Lifetime::Ping data that might be in memory in case delay_ping_lifetime_io is set or was set at a previous time.

If there is no data to persist, this function does nothing.

This is not meant to be used directly.

Clears all the metrics that have Lifetime::Application.

Whether or not this is the first run on this profile.

Sets a debug view tag.

This will return false in case value is not a valid tag.

When the debug view tag is set, pings are sent with a X-Debug-ID header with the value of the tag and are sent to the “Ping Debug Viewer”.

  • value - A valid HTTP header value. Must match the regex: “[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}”.

Sets source tags.

This will return false in case value contains invalid tags.

Ping tags will show in the destination datasets, after ingestion.

Note If one or more tags are invalid, all tags are ignored.

  • value - A vector of at most 5 valid HTTP header values. Individual tags must match the regex: “[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}”.

Sets the log pings debug option.

This will return false in case we are unable to set the option.

When the log pings debug option is true, we log the payload of all succesfully assembled pings.

  • value - The value of the log pings option

This is not meant to be used directly.

Sets the value of a “dirty flag” in the permanent storage.

The “dirty flag” is meant to have the following behaviour, implemented by the consumers of the FFI layer:

  • on mobile: set to false when going to background or shutting down, set to true at startup and when going to foreground.
  • on non-mobile platforms: set to true at startup and false at shutdown.

At startup, before setting its new value, if the “dirty flag” value is true, then Glean knows it did not exit cleanly and can implement coping mechanisms (e.g. sending a baseline ping).

This is not meant to be used directly.

Checks the stored value of the “dirty flag”.

Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.

This functions generates a baseline ping with reason active and then sets the dirty bit.

Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.

This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason inactive and then clears the dirty bit.

Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).

Deletes all stored metrics.

Note that this also includes the ping sequence numbers, so it has the effect of resetting those to their initial values.

Instructs the Metrics Ping Scheduler’s thread to exit cleanly. If Glean was configured with use_core_mps: false, this has no effect.

Instructs the Metrics Ping Scheduler to being scheduling metrics pings. If Glean wsa configured with use_core_mps: false, this has no effect.

Trait Implementations§

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.