Work in Progress! This site does not represent the current state of Persona or BrowserID.

Identity Provider (IdP) Support Document Format

To become a federated Identity Provider (IdP), a domain must publish metadata in a well-formed JSON document. This document must be located at /.well-known/browserid, it must be available over SSL/TLS, and it must be served with Content-Type: application/json.

By publishing a support document, a domain may opt to:

  1. Disable first-party support for BrowserID
  2. Delegate authority to another domain
  3. Directly act as an Identity Provider

Each option takes precedence over those below it in the list.

Disabling Support

By setting the key disabled to the boolean value true, a domain may explicitly opt-out of being a native Identity Provider. When encountering this, clients may fail over to a Fallback Identity Provider.

Delegating Authority

By setting the key authority to a hostname, a domain may explicitly delegate authority to a designated host.

Supporting BrowserID

To natively support the BrowserID protocol, three values must be present:

  1. authentication, absolute path to the user authentication page.
  2. provisioning, absolute path to the headless user provisioning page.
  3. keys, array of public keys used for signing Identity Certificates.


  • Absolute paths must start with /, for example, /foo/bar.
  • Public keys must be serialized as JWKs.
  • When acting as an identity provider, the support document fulfills the requirements of a JWK Set and should be treated as such.