Work in Progress! This site does not represent the current state of Persona or BrowserID.

Authority Discovery

To discover the authoritative Identity Provider for a given email address:

  1. Extract the domain name from the email address and remember this as the Original Domain.

  2. Using HTTPS, attempt to GET /.well-known/browserid from the Original Domain. Clients must validate the TLS certificate and must not follow redirects.

  3. Depending on the response:

    a. If the document is absent, invalid, or explicitly disables BrowserID support, then the domain must not be considered authoritative. Clients may return to Step 2, substituting a Fallback Identity Provider for the Original Domain and adding a query parameter, domain, whose value is the domain derived in Step 1.

    b. If the document explicitly delegates to another domain, return to Step 2, substituting the delegated domain for the Original Domain and adding a query parameter, domain, whose value is the domain derived in Step 1.

    c. If the document is complete and valid, the discovered domain should be considered authoritative.

If the domain parameter is omitted, its value is considered to be identical to the domain being queried in Step 2.


  • Direct support by the user’s domain.

    1. The user is, thus the Original Domain is
    2. GET `
    3. The response is valid: is authoritative for
  • Two levels of delegation by the user’s domain.

    1. The user is, thus the Original Domain is
    2. GET `
    3. The response delegates to
    4. GET
    5. The response delegates to
    6. GET
    7. The response is valid: is authoritative for
  • No direct support by the user’s domain.

    1. The user is, thus the Original Domain is
    2. GET `
    3. The response is not a valid Support Document. Attempt discovery at against the fallback.example Fallback Identity Provider.
    4. GET https://fallback.example/.well-known/browserid?
    5. The response is valid: fallback.example is authoritative for