API Contract Tests

These tests are designed to look for changes to the recipe server APIs that are not expected.


Before running these tests you will need the following installed:

Before running these tests you need to setup up an environment for the Normandy tests using Python 3.7.0 or greater. If you have an existing environment running Normandy, you can re-use that environment and skip this step. You can create that environment with the following:

poetry install
poetry shell

This creates the virtual environment, installs the Python dependencies needed to run the tests, and activates the environment.

With the virtual environment created, then you need to build the Dockerized version of the application and populate it with some data that can be used for testing purposes

To do so, use the following commands:

make refresh
docker-compose up -d

make refresh builds a Normandy image and a Postgresql image. It then populates the application data we can use for testing purposes.

docker-compose up -d makes sure the Normandy application and Postgres database are up and running and ready to run the API contract tests against.

API Tests

To run these tests against both the V1 and V3 APIs use the following command from the root project directory.

py.test -v --server=<server> contract-tests/

where <server> is the server you want to test, such as https://stage.normandy.cloudops.mozgcp.net or https://localhost:8000.