Continuous Integration

Almost everything that is run in CI (using CircleCI) is designed to be possible to run locally. This helps in that it’s easier to use your own laptop to debug potential problems that only happen in CI.


“Almost everything”, because pushing to Docker Hub is not something you can do from your laptop.

Running Suite

The steps in .circleci/config.yml should be sufficiently self-explanatory. Each step should work to just copy and paste into your own terminal.

There are some exceptions though. For example, when a step is set up to run with background: true it means you can run it in its own dedicated terminal and run the other commands in another terminal.

No Volume Mounts

The reason we use a collector container is because you can’t use volume mounts in CircleCI. What that means is that if you edit any of the .py files, for example, after you have run a suite, you need to build again. For example:

docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml build web
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml run web pytest
vi normandy/base/
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml build web
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml run web pytest