
rust-code-analysis-cli allows to extract some information from the nodes which compose the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of a source code.

Find Errors

To know if there are some syntactic errors in your code, run:

rust-code-analysis-cli -p /path/to/your/file/or/directory -I "*.ext" -f -error

The -p option represents the path to a file or a directory. If a directory is passed as input, rust-code-analysis-cli computes the metrics for each file contained in it. The -I option is a glob filter used to consider only the files written in the language defined by the extension of the file. The -f option instead searches all nodes of a certain type. In the case above, we are looking for all the erroneous nodes present in the code.

Count Errors

It is also possible to count the number of nodes of a certain type using the --count option:

rust-code-analysis-cli -p /path/to/your/file/or/directory -I "*.ext" --count -error

Print AST

If you want to print the AST of a source code, run the following command:

rust-code-analysis-cli -p /path/to/your/file/or/directory -d

The -d option prints the entire AST on the shell.

Code Splitting

Commands can be run on a single portion of the code using the --ls and --le options. The former represents the starting line of the code to be considered, while the latter its ending line. For example, if we want to print the AST of a single function which starts at line 5 and ends at line 10, we need to launch this command:

rust-code-analysis-cli -p /path/to/your/file/or/directory -d --ls 5 --le 10