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Declaring External Types

It is possible to use types defined by UniFFI in an external crate. For example, let's assume that you have an existing crate named demo_crate with the following UDL:

dictionary DemoDict {
  string string_val;
  boolean bool_val;

Inside another crate, consuming_crate, you'd like to use this dictionary. Inside consuming_crate's UDL file you can reference DemoDict by using a typedef with an External attribute, as shown below.

typedef extern DemoDict;

// Now define our own dictionary which references the imported type.
dictionary ConsumingDict {
  DemoDict demo_dict;
  boolean another_bool;

Inside consuming_crate's Rust code you must use that struct as normal - for example, consuming_crate's might look like:

use demo_crate::DemoDict;

pub struct ConsumingDict {
    demo_dict: DemoDict,
    another_bool: bool,


Your Cargo.toml must reference the external crate as normal.

The External attribute can be specified on dictionaries, enums, errors.

External interface and trait types

If the external type is an Interface, then use the [ExternalInterface] attribute instead of [External]:

typedef extern DemoInterface;

similarly for traits: use [ExternalTrait].

External procmacro types

The above examples assume the external types were defined via UDL. If they were defined by procmacros, you need different attribute names:

  • if DemoDict is implemented by a procmacro in demo_crate, you'd use [ExternalExport=...]
  • for DemoInterface you'd use [ExternalInterfaceExport=...]

For types defined by procmacros in this crate, see the attribute [Rust=...]

Foreign bindings

The foreign bindings will also need to know how to access the external type, which varies slightly for each language:


For Kotlin, "library mode" generation with generate --library [path-to-cdylib] is recommended when using external types. If you use generate [udl-path] then the generated code needs to know how to import the external types from the Kotlin module that corresponds to the Rust crate. By default, UniFFI assumes that the Kotlin module name matches the Rust crate name, but this can be configured in uniffi.toml with an entry like this:

# Map the crate names from [External={name}] into Kotlin package names
rust-crate-name = ""


For Swift, you must compile all generated .swift files together in a single module since the generate code expects that it can access external types without importing them.