Add-ons Server Documentation

This is the documentation for the use of the addons-server and its services. All documentation is in plain text files using primarily myST and is built using Sphinx. Some docs, especially API docs are still written using standard reStructuredText but most future documentation should be written in markdown.

If you’re unsure, activate your virtualenv and run:

make up

The documentation is viewable at, and covers development using Add-ons Server, the source code for Add-ons.

Its source location is in the /docs folder.

Note: this project was once called olympia, this documentation often uses that term.

Build the documentation

This is as simple as running:

make docs

This is the same as cd’ing to the docs folder, and running make html from there.

We include a daemon that can watch and regenerate the built HTML when documentation source files change. To use it, go to the docs folder and run:

python 'make html' $(find . -name '*.rst')

Once done, check the result by opening the following file in your browser:
