Dependency Management

Managing dependencies effectively is crucial for maintaining a stable and consistent development environment. The addons-server project uses a well-structured approach to handle Python and Node.js dependencies.

Python Dependencies

Python dependencies are managed using the Makefile and requirements files. All dependencies are installed into the /data/olympia/deps directory, which centralizes dependency management and simplifies data mounts.

  • Environment Variables: The project sets environment variables for Python CLIs to install dependencies in specific locations. This includes setting paths for PIP_CACHE_DIR, PIP_SRC, and others to use the /data/olympia/deps directory.

  • Caching Mechanism: By using Docker build stages, the project isolates the stages responsible for installing dependencies. This prevents these stages from re-running unless the actual dependency files are changed. Additionally, internal Python cache folders are cached, avoiding unnecessary re-downloads of packages and saving time and bandwidth.

  • Requirements Files:

    • pip.txt: Specifies the version of pip to guarantee consistency.

    • prod.txt: Lists dependencies used in production deployments.

    • dev.txt: Lists additional dependencies used for development.

In the Docker build, only production dependencies are included. When running make up, the following command is executed to install development dependencies:

make docker_extract_deps

This command installs the development dependencies inside the container, ensuring the development environment is fully set up.

Adding Python Dependencies

We use hashin to manage package installs. It helps you manage your requirements.txt file by adding hashes to ensure that the installed package versions match your expectations. hashin is automatically installed in local developer environments.

To add a new dependency:

hashin -r {requirements} {dependency}=={version}

This will add hashes and sort the requirements for you, adding comments to show any package dependencies. Check the diff and make edits to fix any issues before submitting a PR with the additions.

Managing Python Dependencies

All Python dependencies are defined in requirements files in the requirements directory. Our 3 most important files are:

  • pip.txt: Specifies the version of pip to guarantee consistency.

  • prod.txt: Dependencies required in the production environment.

  • dev.txt: Dependencies used for development, linting, testing, etc.

We use Dependabot to automatically create pull requests for updating dependencies. This is configured in the .github/dependabot.yml file targeting files in the requirements directory.

Managing Transitive Dependencies

In local development and CI, we install packages using pip with the --no-deps flag to prevent pip from installing transitive dependencies. This approach gives us control over the full dependency chain, ensuring reproducible and trustworthy environments.

Pip Dependencies

In order to determine the dependencies a given package requires you can check

pip show <package-name>

To see the requirements field which lists the dependencies. Install missing dependencies manually.


Ensure to comment in the requirements file above transitive dependencies which direct dependency it is required by.

Node.js Dependencies

Node.js dependencies are managed using npm.

  • Caching Mechanism: Node.js dependencies are also cached using Docker build stages. Internal npm cache folders are cached to avoid re-downloading packages unnecessarily.

Adding Frontend Dependencies

To add a new frontend dependency:

npm install [package]@[version] --save --save-dev

NPM is a fully-featured package manager, so you can use the standard CLI.

Caching in Docker Build

The Dockerfile uses build stages to isolate the dependency installation process. This ensures that stages do not re-run unless the dependency files themselves change. The caching mechanism includes:

  • Dependency Cache: Both Python and Node.js dependencies are cached in the /data/olympia/deps directory.

  • Cache Folders: Internal cache folders for pip and npm are themselves cached to speed up the build process.

GitHub Actions Cache

The project uses a custom GitHub Actions action (./.github/actions/cache-deps) to cache the /data/olympia/deps folder. This action significantly increases install times for CI runs by leveraging the GitHub Actions cache.

- name: Cache dependencies
  uses: ./.github/actions/cache-deps

By caching the /data/olympia/deps folder, the project ensures that dependencies are quickly restored in CI environments, reducing overall build and test times.

Updating/Installing Dependencies

To update/install all dependencies, run the following command:

make up

This will rebuild the Docker image with the current dependencies specified in the requirements and package.json files. We do not support updating dependencies in a running container as the /data/olympia/deps folder is not writable by the olympia user.