Remote Settings

This page explains how to set up Remote Settings locally, which can be useful when working on the Blocklist feature. AMO must be running locally first. Make sure it’s available at http://olympia.test/.

Configure addons-server

Add the following configuration variables to the file:

# When using Docker Desktop - `host.docker.internal` is a special host to allow
# containers to get access to the host system, but that won't work on Linux.
REMOTE_SETTINGS_API_URL = "http://host.docker.internal:8888/v1/"
REMOTE_SETTINGS_WRITER_URL = "http://host.docker.internal:8888/v1/"

# For Linux, you need to find the IP address of the Remote Settings container:

Next, reload everything by running make up.

At this point, AMO should be able to find the Remote Settings local server that we’re going to set up next.

Set up Remote Settings

In order to set up Remote Settings, follow these steps:

  1. Clone

  2. Run make start in the remote-settings repository

  3. Add autograph to your /etc/hosts file

Verify that Remote Settings is healthy:

  "storage": true,
  "permission": true,
  "cache": true,
  "attachments": true,
  "signer": true

Configure the user/permissions

First, we need an admin account. We can create one with the Remote Settings API:

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"data": {"password": "s3cr3t"}}' \

Next, we need a user for AMO:

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d  '{"data": {"password": "amo_remote_settings_password"}}' \

We then need to give this user write access to the staging bucket so that it can create the addons-bloomfilters collection. This is where AMO will write the new records, which will be propagated to the public bucket/collection automatically:

curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"permissions": {"write": ["account:amo_remote_settings_username"]}}' \
  -u admin:s3cr3t \
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -u amo_remote_settings_username:amo_remote_settings_password \

At this point, AMO should be able to authenticate to Remote Settings. This can be verified with the following command:

curl http://olympia.test/services/__heartbeat__
    "cinder": {
        "state": true,
        "status": ""
    "rabbitmq": {
        "state": true,
        "status": ""
    "remotesettings": {
        "state": true,
        "status": ""
    "signer": {
        "state": true,
        "status": ""

After AMO uploads records, the Remote Settings addons-bloomfilters collection will be available at:

We are done \o/