Crate error_support

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  • Tell the application to log a breadcrumb
  • All the error boilerplate (okay, with a couple exceptions in some cases) in one place.
  • Define a set of conversions from external error types into the provided error kind. Use define_error to do this at the same time as define_error_wrapper.
  • XXX - Most of this is now considered deprecated - only FxA uses it, and should be replaced with the facilities in the handling module. Define a wrapper around the the provided ErrorKind type. See also define_error which is more likely to be what you want.
  • Tell the application to report an error
  • Log a breadcrumb if we see an Result::Err value


  • Specifies how an “internal” error is converted to an “external” public error and any logging or reporting that should happen.
  • Describes what error reporting action should be taken.



Attribute Macros§

  • A procedural macro that exposes internal errors to external errors the consuming applications should handle. It requires that the internal error implements [error_support::ErrorHandling].