Crate relevancy

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Proposed API for the relevancy component (validation phase)

The goal here is to allow us to validate that we can reliably detect user interests from history data, without spending too much time building the API out. There’s some hand-waving towards how we would use this data to rank search results, but we don’t need to come to a final decision on that yet.



  • Interest metrics that we want to send to Glean as part of the validation process. These contain the cosine similarity when comparing the user’s interest against various interest vectors that consumers may use.
  • Vector storing a count value for each interest
  • A thread-safe wrapper around an SQLite connection to the Relevancy database


  • Errors we use internally
  • List of possible interests for a domain. Domains can have be associated with one or multiple interests. Inconclusive is used for domains in the user’s top sites that we can’t classify because there’s no corresponding entry in the interest database.
  • Errors we return via the public interface.


  • Calculate score for a piece of categorized content based on a user interest vector.

Type Aliases§

  • Result enum for the public API
  • Result enum for internal functions