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This strategy was developed before there were more permission options in Github and before we started using Github Enterprise. It is probably worth revisiting this.

Groups & Permissions

Mozilla accounts has a history of using [too?] many repositories on GitHub. Over many years this means important repositories can be neglected. Additionally, we need to maintain proper access controls to all of the repositories in a world where priorities shift quickly and often.

To address this, our GitHub strategy takes advantage of Github’s nested teams. By having groups with progressively tighter access controls we can be sure we are addressing all of the appropriate repositories because permissions are inherited. We have a simple hierarchy:

  • Firstly, no team. You don’t need to be in an FxA team to open or comment on issues and pull requests.

  • fxa-community

    • Read access
    • This essentially collects all of our repositories in one place
    • Being in this group means a person can be assigned issues
    • All repositories that this group has access to are read only
    • fxa-write
      • A sub-team of fxa-community
      • All repositories that this group has access to are read/write
      • If you're on this team you are likely employed at Mozilla
      • fxa-devs
        • Sub-team of fxa-write
        • Used for requesting reviews. If you work in specific areas of FxA and don’t want to be pinged about general reviews you probably want write access but not on this team.
        • Required to be in this team to push to production (enforced on github)
      • Occasionally other teams will be added here as well, for example, if we're doing an internship program or working with external teams.
      • fxa-admins
        • Sub-team of fxa-write
        • This group has admin access to all repositories.
        • If you're in this group you are employed at Mozilla and you probably work with FxA day-to-day.


There is another team called fxa-archives. It holds many old archived repositories that FxA created and no longer uses. It’s around to collect that historical context and keep the archived repositories out of the way while we do day-to-day work.