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Sink Job

A job for delivering messages between Google Cloud services. Defined in the com.mozilla.telemetry.Sink class (source).


This job has been replaced by ingestion-sink for loading messages from Google Cloud PubSub into BigQuery.

Supported Input and Outputs

Supported inputs:

  • Google Cloud PubSub
  • Google Cloud Storage

Supported outputs:

  • Google Cloud PubSub
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Cloud BigQuery
  • stdout
  • stderr

Supported error outputs, must include attributes and must not validate messages:

  • Google Cloud PubSub
  • Google Cloud Storage with JSON encoding
  • stdout with JSON encoding
  • stderr with JSON encoding


Internally messages are stored and transported as PubsubMessage.

Supported file formats for Cloud Storage are json or text. The json file format stores newline delimited JSON, encoding the field payload as a base64 string, and attributeMap as an optional object with string keys and values. The text file format stores newline delimited strings, encoding the field payload as UTF-8.

We'll construct example inputs based on the following two values and their base64 encodings:

$ echo -en "test" | base64

$ echo -en "test\n" | base64

Example json file:


The above file when stored in the text format:



Note that the newline embedded at the end of the second JSON message results in two text messages, one of which is blank.

Output Path Specification

Depending on the specified output type, the --output path that you provide controls several aspects of the behavior.


When --outputType=bigquery, --output is a tableSpec of form dataset.tablename or the more verbose projectId:dataset.tablename. The values can contain attribute placeholders of form ${attribute_name}. To set dataset to the document namespace and table name to the document type, specify:


All - characters in the attributes will be converted to _ per BigQuery naming restrictions. Additionally, document namespace and type values will be processed to ensure they are in snake case format (untrustedModules becomes untrusted_modules).

Defaults for the placeholders using ${attribute_name:-default_value} are supported, but likely don't make much sense since it's unlikely that there is a default table whose schema is compatible with all potential payloads. Instead, records missing an attribute required by a placeholder will be redirected to error output if no default is provided.


When --outputType=file, --output may be prefixed by a protocol specifier to determine the target data store. Without a protocol prefix, the output path is assumed to be a relative or absolute path on the filesystem. To write to Google Cloud Storage, use a gs:// path like:


Attribute placeholders

We support FileIO's "Dynamic destinations" feature (FileIO.writeDynamic) where it's possible to route individual messages to different output locations based on properties of the message. In our case, we allow routing messages based on the PubsubMessage attribute map. Routing is accomplished by adding placeholders of form ${attribute_name:-default_value} to the path.

For example, to route based on a document_type attribute, your path might look like:


Messages with document_type of "main" would be grouped together and end up in the following directory:


Messages with document_type set to null or missing that attribute completely would be grouped together and end up in directory:


Note that placeholders must specify a default value so that a poorly formatted message doesn't cause a pipeline exception. A placeholder without a default will result in an IllegalArgumentException on pipeline startup.

File-based outputs support the additional derived attributes "submission_date" and "submission_hour" which will be parsed from the value of the submission_timestamp attribute if it exists. These can be useful for making sure your output specification buckets messages into hourly directories.

The templating and default syntax used here is based on the Apache commons-text StringSubstitutor, which in turn bases its syntax on common practice in bash and other Unix/Linux shells. Beware the need for proper escaping on the command line (use \$ in place of $), as your shell may try to substitute in values for your placeholders before they're passed to Sink.

Google's PubsubMessage format allows arbitrary strings for attribute names and values. We place the following restrictions on attribute names and default values used in placeholders:

  • attribute names may not contain the string :-
  • attribute names may not contain curly braces ({ or })
  • default values may not contain curly braces ({ or })

File prefix

Individual files are named by replacing : with - in the default format discussed in the "File naming" section of Beam's FileIO Javadoc:


In our case, $prefix is determined from the last /-delimited piece of the --output path. If you specify a path ending in /, you'll end up with an empty prefix and your file names will begin with -. This is probably not what you want, so it's recommended to end your output path with a non-empty file prefix. We replace : with - because Hadoop can't handle : in file names.

For example, given:


An output file might be:



Note: -Dexec.args does not handle newlines gracefully, but bash will remove \ escaped newlines in "s.


If you install Java and maven, you can invoke mvn in the following commands instead of using ./bin/mvn; be aware, though, that Java 11 is the target JVM and some reflection warnings may be thrown on newer versions, though these are generally harmless.

The provided bin/mvn script downloads and runs maven via docker so that less setup is needed on the local machine. For prolonged development performance is likely to be significantly better, especially in MacOS, if mvn is installed and run natively without docker.

# create a test input file
mkdir -p tmp/
echo '{"payload":"dGVzdA==","attributeMap":{"host":"test"}}' > tmp/input.json

# consume messages from the test file, decode and re-encode them, and write to a directory
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="\
    --inputFileFormat=json \
    --inputType=file \
    --input=tmp/input.json \
    --outputFileFormat=json \
    --outputType=file \
    --output=tmp/output/out \
    --errorOutputType=file \
    --errorOutput=tmp/error \

# check that the message was delivered
cat tmp/output/*

# write message payload straight to stdout
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="\
    --inputFileFormat=json \
    --inputType=file \
    --input=tmp/input.json \
    --outputFileFormat=text \
    --outputType=stdout \
    --errorOutputType=stderr \

# check the help page to see types of options
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args=--help

# check the SinkOptions help page for options specific to Sink
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args=--help=SinkOptions

On Dataflow

# Pick a bucket to store files in
BUCKET="gs://$(gcloud config get-value project)"

# create a test input file
echo '{"payload":"dGVzdA==","attributeMap":{"host":"test"}}' | gsutil cp - $BUCKET/input.json

# Set credentials; beam is not able to use gcloud credentials
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="path/to/your/creds.json"

# consume messages from the test file, decode and re-encode them, and write to a bucket
./bin/mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="\
    --runner=Dataflow \
    --inputFileFormat=json \
    --inputType=file \
    --input=$BUCKET/input.json \
    --outputFileFormat=json \
    --outputType=file \
    --output=$BUCKET/output \
    --errorOutputType=file \
    --errorOutput=$BUCKET/error \

# wait for the job to finish
gcloud dataflow jobs list

# check that the message was delivered
gsutil cat $BUCKET/output/*

On Dataflow with Flex Templates

The Dataflow templates documentation explains:

Dataflow templates allow you to stage your pipelines on Google Cloud and run them using the Google Cloud Console, the gcloud command-line tool, or REST API calls. [...] Flex Templates package the pipeline as a Docker image and stage these images on your project's Container Registry.

# pick the project to store the docker image in
PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)"

# pick the region to run Dataflow jobs in
PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)"

# pick the bucket to store files in

# configure gcloud credential helper for docker to push to GCR
gcloud auth configure-docker

# build the docker image for the Flex Template
docker-compose build --build-arg FLEX_TEMPLATE_JAVA_MAIN_CLASS=com.mozilla.telemetry.Sink
docker-compose push

# create the Flex Template
gcloud dataflow flex-template build \
    $BUCKET/sink/flex-templates/latest.json \
    --image $IMAGE \
    --sdk-language JAVA

# create a test input file
echo '{"payload":"dGVzdA==","attributeMap":{"host":"test"}}' | gsutil cp - $BUCKET/input.json

# run the dataflow Flex Template with gcloud
REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region 2>&1 | sed 's/(unset)/us-central1/')
gcloud dataflow flex-template run $JOBNAME \
    --template-file-gcs-location=$BUCKET/sink/flex-templates/latest.json \
    --region=$REGION \
    --parameters=inputType=file \
    --parameters=outputType=file \
    --parameters=errorOutputType=file \
    --parameters=inputFileFormat=json \
    --parameters=outputFileFormat=json \
    --parameters=input=$BUCKET/input.json \
    --parameters=output=$BUCKET/output/ \

# get the job id
JOB_ID="$(gcloud dataflow jobs list --region=$REGION --filter=name=$JOBNAME --format='value(JOB_ID)' --limit=1)"

# wait for the job to finish
gcloud dataflow jobs show "$JOB_ID" --region=$REGION

# check that the message was delivered
gsutil cat $BUCKET/output/*

In streaming mode

If --inputType=pubsub, Beam will execute in streaming mode, requiring some extra configuration for file-based outputs. You will need to specify sharding like:

    --outputNumShards=10 \
    --errorOutputNumShards=10 \

or for Flex Templates:

    --parameters=outputNumShards=10 \
    --parameters=errorOutputNumShards=10 \

As discussed in the Beam documentation for FileIO.Write#withNumShards, batch mode is most efficient when the runner is left to determine sharding, so numShards options should normally be left to their default of 0, but streaming mode can't perform the same optimizations thus an exception will be thrown during pipeline construction if sharding is not specified. As codified in apache/beam/pull/1952, the Dataflow runner suggests a reasonable starting point numShards is 2 * maxWorkers or 10 if --maxWorkers is unspecified.