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Lifting, Lowering and Serialization

UniFFI is able to transfer rich data types back-and-forth between the Rust code and the foreign-language code via a process we refer to as "lowering" and "lifting".

Recall that UniFFI interoperates between different languages by defining a C-style FFI layer which operates in terms of primitive data types and plain functions. To transfer data from one side of this layer to the other, the sending side "lowers" the data from a language-specific data type into one of the primitive types supported by the FFI-layer functions, and the receiving side "lifts" that primitive type into its own language-specific data type.

Lifting and lowering simple types such as integers is done by directly casting the value to and from an appropriate type. For complex types such as optionals and records we currently implement lifting and lowering by serializing into a byte buffer, but this is an implementation detail that may change in future. (See ADR-0002 for the reasoning behind this choice.)

As a concrete example, consider this interface for accumulating a list of integers:

namespace example {
  sequence<i32> add_to_list(i32 item);

Calling this function from foreign language code involves the following steps:

  1. The user-provided calling code invokes the add_to_list function that is exposed by the UniFFI-generated foreign language bindings, passing item as an appropriate language-native integer.
  2. The foreign language bindings lower each argument to a function call into something that can be passed over the C-style FFI. Since the item argument is a plain integer, it is lowered by casting to an int32_t.
  3. The foreign language bindings pass the lowered arguments to a C FFI function named like example_XYZ_add_to_list that is exposed by the UniFFI-generated Rust scaffolding.
  4. The Rust scaffolding lifts each argument received over the FFI into a native Rust type. Since item is a plain integer it is lifted by casting to a Rust i32.
  5. The Rust scaffolding passes the lifted arguments to the user-provided Rust code for the add_to_list function, which returns a Vec<i32>.
  6. The Rust scaffolding now needs to lower the return value in order to pass it back to the foreign language code. Since this is a complex data type, it is lowered by serializing the values into a byte buffer and returning the buffer pointer and length from the FFI function.
  7. The foreign language bindings receive the return value and need to lift it into an appropriate native data type. Since it is a complex data type, it is lifted by deserializing from the returned byte buffer into a language-native list of integers.

Lowered Types

UDL Type Representation in the C FFI
i8/i16/i32/i64 int8_t/int16_t/int32_t/int64_t
u8/u16/u32/u64 uint8_t/uint16_t/uint32_t/uint64_t
f32/float float
f64/double double
boolean int8_t, either 0 or 1
string RustBuffer struct pointing to utf8 bytes
bytes Same as sequence<u8>
timestamp RustBuffer struct pointing to a i64 representing seconds and a u32 representing nanoseconds
duration RustBuffer struct pointing to a u64 representing seconds and a u32 representing nanoseconds
T? RustBuffer struct pointing to serialized bytes
sequence<T> RustBuffer struct pointing to serialized bytes
record<string, T> RustBuffer struct pointing to serialized bytes
enum and [Enum] interface RustBuffer struct pointing to serialized bytes
dictionary RustBuffer struct pointing to serialized bytes
interface void* opaque pointer to object on the heap

Serialization Format

When serializing complex data types into a byte buffer, UniFFI uses an ad-hoc fixed-width format which is designed mainly for simplicity. The details of this format are internal only and may change between versions of UniFFI.

UDL Type Representation in serialized bytes
i8/i16/i32/i64 Fixed-width 1/2/4/8-byte signed integer, big-endian
u8/u16/u32/u64 Fixed-width 1/2/4/8-byte unsigned integer, big-endian
f32/float Fixed-width 4-byte float, big-endian
f64/double Fixed-width 8-byte double, big-endian
boolean Fixed-width 1-byte signed integer, either 0 or 1
string Serialized i32 length followed by utf-8 string bytes; no trailing null
T? If null, serialized boolean false; if non-null, serialized boolean true followed by serialized T
sequence<T> Serialized i32 item count followed by serialized items; each item is a serialized T
record<string, T> Serialized i32 item count followed by serialized items; each item is a serialized string followed by a serialized T
enum and [Enum] interface Serialized i32 indicating variant, numbered in declaration order starting from 1, followed by the serialized values of the variant's fields in declaration order
dictionary The serialized value of each field, in declaration order
interface Fixed-width 8-byte unsigned integer encoding a pointer to the object on the heap

Note that length fields in this format are serialized as signed integers despite the fact that they will always be non-negative. This is to help ease compatibility with JVM-based languages since the JVM uses signed 32-bit integers for its size fields internally.

Code Generation and the FfiConverter trait

UniFFI needs to generate Rust code to lift/lower types. To help with this, we define the FfiConverter trait which contains the code to lift/lower/serialize a particular type.

The most straightforward approach would be to define FfiConverter on the type being lifted/lowered/serialized. However, this wouldn't work for remote types defined in 3rd-party crates because of the Rust orphan rules. For example, our crates can't implement FfiConverter on serde_json::Value because both the trait and the type are remote.

To work around this we do several things:

  • FfiConverter gets a generic type parameter. This type is basically arbitrary and doesn't affect the lowering/lifting/serialization process.
  • We generate a unit struct named UniFfiTag in the root of each UniFFIed crate.
  • Each crate uses the FfiConverter<crate::UniFfiTag> trait to lower/lift/serialize values for its scaffolding functions.

This allows us to work around the orphan rules when defining ffi trait implementations. - The uniffi crate can implement lifting/lowering/serializing types for all scaffolding functions using a generic impl, for example impl<UT> FfiConverter<UT> for u8. "UT" is short for "UniFFI Tag" - UniFFI consumer crates usually implement lifting/lowering/serializing types the same way. - However, for remote types, they must only implement ffi traits for their local tag, for example impl FfiConverter<crate::UniFfiTag> for serde_json::Value. This is valid since UniFfiTag is a local type. - If other crates also want to use the same remote type implementation, the need to implement the ffi traits for their local tag as well. This is what the use_remote_type! macro does.

For more details on the specifics of the "orphan rule" and why these are legal implementations, see the Rust Chalk Book