Records in UDL
Our simple TodoEntry is defined in UDL as:
dictionary TodoEntry {
boolean done;
u64? due_date;
string text;
All the usual types are supported.
Object references
Our dictionary can refer to obects - here, a User
interface User {
// Some sort of "user" object that can own todo items
dictionary TodoEntry {
User owner;
string text;
The Rust struct will have owner
as an Arc<>
Default values for fields
Fields can be specified with a default value.
dictionary TodoEntry {
boolean done = false;
string text;
Optional fields and default values
Fields can be made optional using a T?
dictionary TodoEntry {
boolean done;
string? text;
The corresponding Rust struct would need to look like this:
struct TodoEntry {
done: bool,
text: Option<String>,
Optional null values
Optional fields can also be set to a default null
dictionary TodoEntry {
boolean done;
string? text = null;